Greenhouse gas effects of nature conservation measures
Greenhouse gas effects of nature conservation measures
Nature conservation measures are obligatory to compensate for construction and urbanisation effects on environement and biodiversity. The effect of these measures on the ecosystems greenhouse gas balance has not been invenstigated.
Background and Objective
The aim of the project is:
- Development of evaluation methods for the quntification of greenhouse gas effect of nature conservation measures
- Test of the methods with existing real nature conservation measures from different regions in Germany
- Identification on measures and site conditions with particularly high synbergies between climat mitigation and nature conservation measures
Based on the national inventory report for greenhouse gases within the UNFCCC framework and running research projects of the Thünen Institute of Climate-Smart Agriculture, greenhouse gas balances of most common nature conservation measures are quantified and evaluated. This work will provide valuable infomration on the effects of low input agriculture on the ecosystems greenhouse gas balance.
Involved external Thünen-Partners
(Gladbeck, Deutschland)
Funding Body
German Federal Environmental Foundation (DBU)
(national, öffentlich)
10.2013 - 1.2015
More Information
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