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Ökologischer Betrieb
© BLE, Bonn/Thomas Stephan
Ökologischer Betrieb
Institute of

BW Farm Economics


Dialogue on the support of organic farming: assessment and prospects

On November 27 and 28, 2024, a workshop on the support of organic farming in Germany took place at the Thünen Institute. The focus was on area-based support payments for conversion to and maintenance of organic farming, which have been granted by the EU, the federal government and the federal states for more than three decades. The participants were officials responsible for extensification and organic farming from the federal and state governments and scientists from the KTBL (Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft) and the Thünen Institutes of Farm Economics and Rural Studies. Intensifying the dialogue on policy support for organic farming was one main aim of the workshop.

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What the content was all about

On day one, the focus was on previous experiences and starting points for the further development of the area-based support of organic farming from the participants' point of view. Building on this, more fundamental changes to the current ways of support were discussed on the second day. Against the backdrop of the policy goals for the expansion of organic farming in Germany and the EU, a key question was how to better target the support and enhance the economic performance of organic farming in Germany. A presentation by the BMEL (Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Food) on latest political developments within the framework of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) rounded off the busy and very interesting exchange.

The workshop was initiated by the Thünen Institute of Farm Economics and organised in cooperation with the relevant departments of the BMEL. A continuation in 2025 is being considered, as the work for the CAP period after 2027 is already underway.

Download the presentations from the workshop

Kuhnert H, Lampkin N (2024) Organic farming in Germany and the EU – where do we stand? Presentation at the workshop on the promotion of organic farming on 27/28.11.2024 at the Thünen Institute, Braunschweig (in German language).

Kuhnert H, Lampkin N (2024) Promotion of organic farming in the EU and Germany in the CAP funding period 2023-2027. Presentation at the workshop on the promotion of organic farming on 27/28.11.2024 at the Thünen Institute, Braunschweig (in German language).

Read more about the work of the Thünen Institute in the field of organic farming:
Thünen: Organic Farming

Specifically on the support of organic farming:
Thünen: Area-based support payments for organic farming

Information about the current EU-Project OrganicTargets4EU:
Thünen: OrganicTargets4EU - scenarios for boosting organic farming

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