Broiler production systems
Economic assessment of different production system intensities for broilers
Calculating the profits per bird and for the enterprise on the whole, as well as the labour income in free range and organic production systems compared with conventional broiler production
Preliminary Results
1. Large cost differences between the systems correspond to the different sales prices
2. The labour incomes earned in conventional production were impossible to obtain in the alternative systems
Permanent task 4.1999
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Thobe P, Spindler B, Schierhold S, Pruisken H (2021) Mehr Einsatz für Tierwohl : Wie viel kostet die Umsetzung tier- und umweltgerechter Maßnahmen in der Masthühnerhaltung? In: Geflügeljahrbuch 2022 : Nachhaltige Geflügelerzeugung. Stuttgart: Ulmer, pp 24-33