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Ökologischer Betrieb
© BLE, Bonn/Thomas Stephan
Ökologischer Betrieb
Institute of

BW Farm Economics


HortiCo 4.0

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© DLR Rheinpfalz/Mariska Schäffer
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Collaborative project: Networking, Synergies and Transfer in Horticulture 4.0 (HortiCo 4.0)

Digitalization has a major impact on horticultural production systems and horticultural value chains and changes the sector. Therefore, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture established 2019 the Horticulture 4.0 funding priority in order to advance the development of digital solutions for the sector.

Background and Objective

The HortiCo 4.0 project aimed to link the actors involved in research and development (R&D) projects on Horticulture 4.0, in order to promote synergies, to support the transfer of results into practice and inform a broad public.

The objectives of HortiCo 4.0 were:

  1. Networking of R&D projects with each other and with similar projects not funded within the Horticulture 4.0 funding program as well as with actors of the value chain and politics.
  2. Clustering of R&D projects according to their technical content in order to identify potential synergies, to support the implementation of these synergy effects, and to secure research data long-term.
  3. Technical and economic analysis of the innovation clusters.
  4. Critical analysis of the potential technical and economic benefits of the innovation clusters and evaluation of the effects in companies, on the sector and for the society.
  5. Facilitate the adoption of innovations in the horticultural value chain through transfer of important results of R&D projects to the target groups. The knowledge transfer targets in particular horticulture enterprises, technical consultation, technical school training, enterprises of the horticultural value chain as well as politics and administration.
  6. Development of recommendations for innovation policies and identification of further research needs.


An organizational framework was created to support an intensive networking of R&D projects, to strengthen the exchange of information and experience between all project participants and to involve actors from industry and research outside horticulture.

A virtual kick-off event served as a platform for getting to know each other and to identify thematic clusters in a participatory process together with the R&D projects. Annual networking workshops for all R&D projects ("Netzwerktage 2021" and "Netzwerktage 2022") promoted regular change between project participants. The networking continued with the final event "Forum Zukunft Gartenbau" and enabled the transfer of project results to the horticultural industry.

An advisory board accompanied the HortiCo 4.0 project and provided regular feedback and support.

Data and Methods

  • Guideline-based interviews with experts from twelve R&D projects of the funding priority Horticulture 4.0.
  • Technology assessment of 4.0 technologies being developed in the R&D projects.
  • Sector-related SWOT analysis on the actual strengths and weaknesses of horticulture and the opportunities and risks for horticulture through 4.0 technologies.

Our Research Questions

  • What kind of economic, ecological and social effects are expected from a widespread use of the 4.0 technologies being developed in the R&D projects?
  • What kind of opportunities and risks does digitalization pose for the horticulture sector?


Due to the diversity of research topics in the twelve R&D projects, a content-related networking on innovation clusters could not be established. Thus, the networking workshops focussed on cross-cutting issues namely the legal framework for 4.0 technologies, data standardization and research communication.

Based on the 4.0 technologies being developed in the twelve R&D projects, three use cases were developed: (1) Digital Pest Management, (2) Digital Crop Management and (3) AI-based Information Management Systems. A technology assessment based on these use cases focused on horticultural-specific implications, internal challenges of the innovation process and social impacts of 4.0 technologies.

The SWOT analysis on the opportunities and risks for horticulture by digitalization was conducted on three different future scenarios: trend scenario, worst-case scenario and best-case scenario.

Finally, results from technology assessment and SWOT analysis served as a basis for recommendations for policy-making and stakeholders of the horticultural value chain focusing on the research environment, education and knowledge transfer, the management of digital data and the legal and technical framework conditions.

Links and Downloads


Walter Dirksmeyer

Dr. Walter Dirksmeyer

+49 531 2570 2196
+49 531 596 5199

Involved external Thünen-Partners

  • Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik und Bioökonomie e.V. (ATB)
    (Potsdam, Deutschland)
  • Technische Universität Braunschweig
    (Braunschweig, Deutschland)
  • Dienstleistungszentrum Ländlicher Raum Rheinpfalz
    (Neustadt an der Weinstrasse, Deutschland)
  • Staatliche Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt für Gartenbau (LVG) Heidelberg
    (Heidelberg, Deutschland)

Funding Body

  • Federal Ministry of Food und Agriculture (BMEL)
    (national, öffentlich)


1.2020 - 4.2024

More Information

Project funding number: 2818501A18
Funding program: Innovationsförderung
Project status: finished

Publications to the project

  1. 0

    Ludwig-Ohm S, Dirksmeyer W, Geyer M, Hildner P, Rux G, Schattenberg J, Hintze C, Isaak M, Lampe I, Laun N, Schäffer M, Wendt S (2024) Verbundprojekt Vernetzung, Synergien und Transfer im Gartenbau 4.0 (HortiCo 4.0) : Handlungsempfehlungen und Forschungsbedarf zur Digitalisierung im Gartenbau. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 16 p

  2. 1

    Isaak M, Ludwig-Ohm S, Dirksmeyer W (2023) Challenge of implementing Horticulture 4.0 innovations in the value chain. Acta Hortic 1380:135-144, DOI:10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1380.17

  3. 2

    Ludwig-Ohm S, Schäffer M (2023) Innovationen für einen Gartenbau 4.0. In: Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (ed) Innovative Ideen, smarte Produkte : Innovationsförderung des Bundesministeriums für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft - Förderverfahren, Themenfelder und Beispiele aus der Praxis - Themenschwerpunkt Pflanze. Bonn: BMEL, pp 38-40

  4. 3

    Ludwig-Ohm S, Hildner P, Isaak M, Dirksmeyer W, Schattenberg J (2023) The contribution of Horticulture 4.0 innovations to more sustainable horticulture. Procedia Comput Sci 217:465-477, DOI:10.1016/j.procs.2022.12.242

  5. 4

    Ludwig-Ohm S, Isaak M, Dirksmeyer W (2022) Technikfolgenabschätzung von Gartenbau 4.0-Innovationen im Vernetzungs- und Transfervorhaben HortiCo 4.0. In: Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik und Bioökonomie (ed) 23. Arbeitswissenschaftliches Kolloquium : Arbeit unter einem D-A-CH: Der Landwirt im 4.0-Modus ; 8./9. März 2022, Potsdam. Potsdam-Bornim: Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik und Bioökonomie, pp 32-42

  6. 5

    Ludwig-Ohm S, Wegner A (2021) Die Zukunftsfähigkeit des Gartenbaus sichern : Durch vernetzte Forschung zur Digitalisierung. Obstbau(5):306-309

  7. 6

    Ludwig-Ohm S, Dirksmeyer W (2021) HortiCo 4.0: the networking and transfer project for horticulture 4.0 innovation funding in Germany. Acta Hortic 1327:817-822, DOI:10.17660/ActaHortic.2021.1327.108

  8. 7

    Ludwig-Ohm S (2020) BMEL-Förderschwerpunkt Gartenbau 4.0 - Experten für HortiCo 4.0 gesucht. ZVG Gartenbau Report 46(12):12

  9. 8

    Ludwig-Ohm S (2020) Gartenbauliche Forschungsprojekte zur Digitalisierung vernetzen sich. TASPO 154(40):15

  10. 9

    Ludwig-Ohm S, Dirksmeyer W (2020) Vernetzung. Synergien. Transfer. HortiCo 4.0. ZVG Gartenbau Report 46(3):14

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