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Ökologischer Betrieb
© BLE, Bonn/Thomas Stephan
Ökologischer Betrieb
Institute of

BW Farm Economics


Use of other data in German FADN

The German Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) plays a key role in the assessment of the economic situation of agricultural holdings. In addition, this data is used extensively for the evaluation of (agricultural) policies. However, certain issues - due to aggregate or missing information - cannot be answered comprehensively. Although this information is partly available in other data sets (e. g., agricultural statistics provided by the Federal Statistical Office or administrative data), legal or technical restrictions hamper any linkage of data with the German FADN.

© Thünen-Institut / Michael Welling

Against this backgroundand to explore the conditions for linking different data sets, the Thünen Institute of Farm Economics organised a workshop held in Braunschweig on 1 December 2014. Two lectures with examples from the Netherlands and Austria showed how the linkage of data was successfully implemented. Also, a representative of the EU Commission presented corresponding efforts at the EU level, while representatives of the Federal Statistical Office provided information on the use of administrative data in agricultural statistics. The 40 participants of the workshop agreed that the statistical response burden for farmers can be reduced by the linkage of data and the evaluation of agricultural policies deepened. The initiated inter-institutional discussion process should be continued.

Contact: Heiko Hansen

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