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© Anja Bunge / Thünen-Institut
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Institute of

FI Fisheries Ecology


Artificial reproduction and rearing of the European smelt

European smelt (Osmerus eperlanus) is a key species in the estuaries of the major German rivers and the shallow coastal areas of the North Sea. Currently, the population of the species has declined considerably. The reasons for this are not fully understood. With our experience in aquaculture, we want to artificially propagate European smelt and raise it under controlled conditions. This shall allow us to carry out ecophysiological studies on the early life stages in order to investigate the possible causes for its decline in the wild.

Artificial reproduction and rearing of the European smelt


Wandernde Fischarten sind durch anthropogene Einflüsse in Meeres-, Küsten- und Binnengewässern besonders gefährdet. Viele dieser Arten zeigen abnehmende Populationstrends, sind gemäß FFH-Richtlinie geschützt und/oder gelten gemäß Roter Liste als gefährdet und besonders schützenswert. Bemühungen, die Arten in früheren Habitaten wieder anzusiedeln oder Restbestände wieder aufzubauen, waren bisher nicht in jedem Fall erfolgreich.


Improving management with new data

The status of the European Eel stock is considered critical. Yet, most of the required data are based on rough estimates or model assumptions. As part of a europe-wide network, we are working on the standardized collection of age-structure and growth in all relevant German inland waters in order to provide a solid data base for eel stock assesment and improve future management measures.

Improving management with new data


Contamination of fish by perfluorinated chemicals in rivers and sea


CONMAR FISH - Marine dumped munition and fish

Marine dumped munition is a global problem. In German waters of the North and Baltic Sea about 1.6 mio t of munition were dumped after World war two. The munitions shells are corroding and environmentally toxic substances are released to the environment. The CONMAR project consortium will investigate in more detail locations and conditions of marine dumped munition in German waters, as well as their possible impact on the environment. The aim of CONMAR is to develop strategies for future treatment of marine dumped munitions. CONMAR-Fish investigates potential impacts of marine dumped munition ...

CONMAR FISH - Marine dumped munition and fish

Development and optimisation of extraction and detection methods for determination of radioactive substances (Sr-90, Th-isotopes, U-isotopes, Pu-isotopes, Am-241) in aquatic biota according the Precautionary Radiation Protection Act

The detection of alpha- and beta-emitting radionuclides in solid matrices like fish flesh is a challenging task. Therefore, their analysis requires complex extraction methods; we optimize present procedures.

Development and optimisation of extraction and detection methods for determination of radioactive substances (Sr-90, Th-isotopes, U-isotopes, Pu-isotopes, Am-241) in aquatic biota according the Precautionary Radiation Protection Act


Das Projekt untersucht die Ausbreitung invasiver Buckellachse in europäischen Binnengewässern mit Umwelt-DNA (eDNA). Ziel ist es, ein Frühwarnsystem zu entwickeln und Managementmaßnahmen zum Schutz heimischer Arten zu unterstützen.


ElbeXtreme-Fish - Impact of extreme weather events on fish in the Elbe estuary

Extreme clima events happens more often. What this means to the coastal ecosysteme of the river Elbe and to the fish living there is investigated.

ElbeXtreme-Fish - Impact of extreme weather events on fish in the Elbe estuary

Safeguarding biodiversity through sustainably managed pond landscapes in Lusatia

Pond farming areas provide a variety of services and more than mere fish production: fish farming ponds have positive effects on microclimate and regional water balance. They do not only serve as valuable habitats for many species, but also provide jobs and a space for recreation and tourism. Exploring possibilities on how this ecologically important cultural landscape with its high biodiversity can be protected is the main focus of the “TeichLausitz” project.

Safeguarding biodiversity through sustainably managed pond landscapes in Lusatia

Monitoring of hazardous substances in marine biota

Why are marine organisms like fish and shellfish so suitable to detect hazardous substances in the marine environment?

Monitoring of hazardous substances in marine biota

What happens to feed-borne antioxidants?

Due to its high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, fish is widely regarded as healthy food. The project aims to investigate whether antioxidants from fish feed accumulate inside recirculating aquaculture systems and in the fish body tissue.

What happens to feed-borne antioxidants?

MESMO - Modellierung der Effekte radioaktiver Stoffe auf marine Organismen

Marine dumped munition is a global problem. In German waters of the North and Baltic Sea about 1.6 mio t of munition were dumped after World war two. The munitions shells are corroding and environmentally toxic substances are released to the environment. The CONMAR project consortium will investigate in more detail locations and conditions of marine dumped munition in German waters, as well as their possible impact on the environment. The aim of CONMAR is to develop strategies for future treatment of marine dumped munitions. CONMAR-Fish investigates potential impacts of marine dumped munition ...

MESMO - Modellierung der Effekte radioaktiver Stoffe auf marine Organismen

MARMAD - Development of a model to determine the dose of radiation received by marine mammals

Marine dumped munition is a global problem. In German waters of the North and Baltic Sea about 1.6 mio t of munition were dumped after World war two. The munitions shells are corroding and environmentally toxic substances are released to the environment. The CONMAR project consortium will investigate in more detail locations and conditions of marine dumped munition in German waters, as well as their possible impact on the environment. The aim of CONMAR is to develop strategies for future treatment of marine dumped munitions. CONMAR-Fish investigates potential impacts of marine dumped munition ...

MARMAD - Development of a model to determine the dose of radiation received by marine mammals


Fifty years ago, a series of ichthyoplankton surveys started mainly with the German research vessel Friedrich Heincke in the Bay of Biscay and around the Iberian Peninsula with the primary objective to obtain a detailed overview of abundance, geographical distribution and growth of larvae of the European eel and other anguilliform fishes. The results of these studies provide an ideal basis for comparison with the present situation following the dramatic population collapse of this enigmatic species.



There is a consensus amongst scientists that the migratory fish stocks of the European eel and Atlantic salmon are in a poor state. However, when it comes to the cause of the critical stock situations the debate becomes more controversial: hydropower, fishing, habitat loss or pollution; the list of potential causes is long and their analysis complex: Migratory fish are often widespread, and their biology and (anthropogenic) stressors vary in both, time and space. The DIASPARA project aims to herald a paradigm shift in stock assessment of diadromous fish: From data collection and management, to ...


Collection of economic data of the marine and freshwater aquaculture in Germany

As part of the EU Data Collection Framework (DCF), we collect economic and social data of the German aquaculture.

Collection of economic data of the marine and freshwater aquaculture in Germany

Fish diseases in North Sea and Baltic Sea

Healthy like a fish in water? In order to find out whether this saying is correct, we monitor the occurrence of diseases in a range of fish species from the North Sea and Baltic Sea during our research cruises onboard RV "Walther Herwig III".

Fish diseases in North Sea and Baltic Sea

As you sow, so you shall reap - pollutants, parasites and their influence on Eels

The reasons for the dramatic decline in glass eel recruitment are still not fully understood. Besides the assumed decrease in the amount of adult eels, potential reductions in spawner quality due to contaminants or parasites have recently also been discussed as potential factors.

As you sow, so you shall reap - pollutants, parasites and their influence on Eels

agri benchmark Fish

"Blue Revolution" is the term which is often used to describe the enormous growth of the global aquaculture in the last decades. Step by step aquaculture has established its role of the most important supplier of aquatic food while the wild caughts of fisheries stagnate. What are the determining factors behind this story of economic success?

agri benchmark Fish

PFAS-Fisch -Fluorinated pollutants in fish

A puzzle piece for marine environmental monitoring: fluorinated chemicals in fish.

PFAS-Fisch -Fluorinated pollutants in fish


Current methods used for stock size surveys in fisheries monitoring are invasive and contribute to environmental stresses and strains. A genetic approach based on relationship patterns within stocks should bring relief.


Studies in the spawning area of the European eel

The European eel is endangered. There are still large gaps in our knowledge about its reproductive biology. A better understanding of the processes in the spawning area is necessary to develop a better basis for the protection and sustainable management of the species.

Studies in the spawning area of the European eel

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