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© Bernd Degen
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Institute of

FG Forest Genetics


Poplar genotyping


Genetic identification in the genus Populus L. with nuclear microsatellite markers

The increasing interest in cultivation of poplars as an energy crop for biomass production actually requires much effort in breeding programmes, especially for varieties suitable for growth in short rotation systems.

Background and Objective

Existing clone collections and offspring material growing in field trials are composed of members of the sections Tacamahaca (balsam poplars), Aigeiros (black poplars, cottonwoods) and Populus (white poplars and aspens) and intersectional hybrids between black and balsam poplars. The application of genetic markers is a very important tool for the identification of clones in poplar and aspen breeding, as morphological traits are not sufficient for that purpose for closely related material. Furthermore, it can support the taxonomic classification in case of doubt.


Nuclear microsatellite loci are well-established
markers for clone identification and paternity
tests and are effective in poplars as well. They provide reliable results for a genetic characterisation
of parents and their offspring individuals. Additional taxonomic information can be derived from single informative markers as well as from multivariate analyses.

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Permanent task 9.2009

More Information

Project status: ongoing


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    Ewald D, Ulrich K, Liesebach H (2012) Erzeugung triploider Individuen und intersektioneller Hybriden bei verschiedenen Pappelarten. Beitr Nordwestdt Forstl Versuchsanst 8:181-193

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    Liesebach H, Schneck V, Ewald E (2010) Clonal fingerprinting in the genus Populus L. by nuclear microsatellite loci regarding differences between sections, species and hybrids. Tree Genetics Genomes 6(2):259-269, DOI:10.1007/s11295-009-0246-5

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