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© Bernd Degen
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Institute of

FG Forest Genetics

Current projects

Assessment of Norway maple

Norway Maple is a native tree species in Central Europe and Germany. However, the species has so far only a minor role in forestry. Better knowledge of adaptability and suitability of different provenances of Norway maple can help to improve the potential of the species in forestry.

Assessment of Norway maple

Biosafety of transgenic trees

Targeted gene transfer and biosafety in forest trees.

Biosafety of transgenic trees

BucheTIG - Genetics and dendro-ecology of European beech

European beech is Germany's most important deciduous tree species, both economically and ecologically. Due to this status, it is of great interests to study the species' adaptedness and adaptive potential.

BucheTIG - Genetics and dendro-ecology of European beech

BucheTIG - Genetics and dendro-ecology of European beech

European beech is Germany's most important deciduous tree species, both economically and ecologically. Due to this status, it is of great interests to study the species' adaptedness and adaptive potential.

BucheTIG - Genetics and dendro-ecology of European beech

Development of scientific databases

New sample data as well as phenotypic and genotypic data of related trees will be integrated in an existing sample database and the user interface will be extended by new functionalities.

Development of scientific databases

DNA-free Genome-Editing in poplar

Development of a DNA-free genome editing system in poplar by transient Cas9/gRNA plasmid and ribonucleinprotein transfer into protoplasts and germinating pollen

DNA-free Genome-Editing in poplar

Early flowering for biosafety and forest tree breeding

Induction of early flowering in poplar and spruce for acceleration of breeding.

Early flowering for biosafety and forest tree breeding

European hornbeam, from a nurse tree to a promising tree

The potential of the hornbeam as an alternative tree species lies in its ecologically advantageous characteristics: its shade tolerance and thus its importance as a second stand layer for the forest interior climate, its suitability as a mixed tree species in deciduous as well as coniferous forests, a deep-reaching root system and an easily decomposable litter.

European hornbeam, from a nurse tree to a promising tree


Preservation of common ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) through selection, characterisation and conservation of vital plus-trees and analyses of the genetic basis of tolerance against ash dieback.



Analyses of the microbiome for identification and selection of potential antagonists and their evaluation in planta against the causative agent of ash dieback


Genetic inventories of forest trees in Germany

The German National Forst Inventory provides an overview about the status of forests in Germany. Additional genetic inventories will help us to improve our understanding of the current status of our forests and their development over time.

Genetic inventories of forest trees in Germany

Genetics of black locust

Black locust is a fast growing tree species with hard and durable wood. The tree is characterized by good growth on poor and nitrogen-deficient soils and is suitable for afforestation of arable land and devastated areas. There has been a remarkable increase in the interest in this multipurpose tree species not only aimed at the production of construction timber, but also for the use as biomass source in short rotation plantations.

Genetics of black locust

Genetische Referenzdaten und statistische Methoden zur Art- und Herkunftsbestimmung

Mit dem Inkrafttreten der EU Holzverordnung ist der Bedarf nach effektiven Kontrollverfahren zur genetischen Überprüfung von Holzart und Holzherkunft deutlich angestiegen. Wir ergänzen und verbessern die Referenzdaten zur Art- und Herkunftskontrolle von Holz.

Genetische Referenzdaten und statistische Methoden zur Art- und Herkunftsbestimmung

Genome analysis in trees

Structural and functional analysis of genomes of forest trees.

Genome analysis in trees

Genome Editing & Drought Stress (TreeEdit)

The aims of the project are to establish new methods of genome editing (CRISPR/Cas) in beech and poplar and to modify candidate genes to study their influence on drought stress tolerance of tree species. The project is being researched in the junior research group "Genetic Technologies".

Genome Editing & Drought Stress (TreeEdit)

High value timbers

The aim of the joint project is to increase the value-added potential of European commercial tree species. To this end, methods are to be developed that contribute to the conservation, propagation and utilization of trees with special wood structures.

High value timbers


Climate change and globalization promote the spread of non-native pests in the EU, threatening forest ecosystems and biodiversity. The project investigates the promotion of resistance through microbiome transfer and epigenetic changes.


Oak defence

Development of biomarkers for monitoring pest-tolerant oaks in different climates

Oak defence

OptiSaat - Seed plantations of the future

The project builds on the Forest Climate Fund projects FitForClim and AdaptForClim, in which breeding zones were designated, plus trees selected and breeding populations established. In OptiSaat, seedlings are produced for the breeding zone north-east for the tree species Douglas fir and Scots pine for the establishment of seed orchards.

OptiSaat - Seed plantations of the future


A new test approach to identify the origin of forest reproductive material in Europe


Phytopathogens in Forests

Diagnostics and species distinction of pyhtopathogenic fungi are needed to avoid or to reduce the impact of new diseases in forests.

Phytopathogens in Forests

Poplar dioecy

Dioecy and the associated sex chromosomes can play a crucial role for the biology and the breeding of a species. We want to elucidate the genetic basis and the evolution of the sex chromosomes in poplar.

Poplar dioecy

Poplar genotyping

Genetic identification in the genus Populus L. with nuclear microsatellite markers.

Poplar genotyping

Priming: an alternative strategy for faster resistance induction in forest tree species

“Priming” allows resistance induction without use of repeated crossing cycles and no changes in the genomic constitution are required. Hence, this method represents a strategy for improving performance of valuable so-called plus trees.

Priming: an alternative strategy for faster resistance induction in forest tree species


Genetic elements involved in sensibility, tolerance or resistance against pathogens are analysed with the aim to provide plant material for sustainable forests


RubraSelect - Growth of red oak origins

The red oak (Quercus rubra L.), which originates from North America, is the most common foreign deciduous tree species in Germany. Due to its high growth potential and diverse wood utilization, it is one of the potential alternative tree species in times of climate change.

RubraSelect - Growth of red oak origins


Adaptation potential of oaks to biotic and abiotic stress in the context of climate change



This project aims at the elucidation of the genetic basis of sex determination in the dioecious gymnosperm species Taxus baccata based on the assembly of chromosome-level reference genomes of a male and female individual and resequencing approaches.


Transformation-induced mutations

Transformation-induced mutations in transgenic trees

Transformation-induced mutations


Development of diagnostic and treatment methods for the identification and protection of native trees against regulated and new harmful organisms



Genetic marker sets for the detection of tree genera and species which are often used in composite wood products will be developed and validated.


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