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A timber truck fully loaded with logs drives over a very simple wooden bridge in a forest.
© Thünen-Institut
A timber truck fully loaded with logs drives over a very simple wooden bridge in a forest.
Institute of

WF Forestry


... during an invited expert panel in Paris. (Earth observation for supporting deforestation-free supply chains)

A group photo of the expert panel

... of farmer-led restoration strategies, Woodlots and Home-gardens.

Graphics for data collection, data analysis and results

State of knowledge and challenges for a continuous economic damage monitoring

Forest damage in the western Harz - Clear-cut area with felled and still standing dead spruces in the western Harz.

New publication examines compliance behavior in the context of the EU Timber Regulation (EUTR)

EU flag (yellow stars on a blue background) with the designation EUTR (for European Union Timber Regulation) in the centre; and in the background several stacks of roof battens

Permanent Position

On March 1st, 2024, Dr. Daniel Kübler took up a permanent position in the working group "Forestry Worldwide".

... on households’ livelihoods by accounting for confounding factors.

Exploring the main drivers: A systematic literature review on global deforestation investigates the most influential socio-economic factors affecting changes in forest areas.

A new article shows that more forest protection in Europe will shift roundwood production to countries with less sustainable forest management and forest protection. The EU's biodiversity strategy envisages a significant expansion of protected forests.

An introduction to the LPB-RAP model

Scenario RAP (Restoration Area Potentials) "potential FLR (forest landscape restoration)" landscape configuration in 2050

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