Current research results and ongoing projects related to wood and wood use were presented at the LIGNA 2023. For example, results of the Wood Resource Monitoring (WRM) were presented in the form of a digital app. The Thünen Institute of Forestry conducts the WRM as a new permanent monitoring task since 2022. This involves recording the material flows of the first use stage as well as the energetic use in the wood raw material market.
The Thünen Institute for Wood Research presented two apps (macroHOLZdata and CITESwoodID) for the identification of internationally traded wood species, which are publicly available in app stores. Based on extensive databases, the apps offer text- and image-based identification pathways for recognizing commercially available woods.
Furthermore, current research projects on the topics of wood and climate, emissions from wood and wood-based materials, climate-neutral fumigation processes, cost savings through 3D chip.