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A timber truck fully loaded with logs drives over a very simple wooden bridge in a forest.
© Thünen-Institut
A timber truck fully loaded with logs drives over a very simple wooden bridge in a forest.
Institute of

WF Forestry

From New Zealand to Hamburg

On 6 August, we were delighted to welcome Jennie Marks from New Zealand to our institute.

l: Forester Maximilian Scheel on a reforested calamity area | r: Mixed hardwood stand - skid trail marking
© Jennie Marks

l: Forester Maximilian Scheel on a reforested calamity area | r: Mixed hardwood stand - skid trail marking

Ms. Marks is originally from Hamburg, but relocated to New Zealand 25 years ago to pursue studies in the field of Ecology and Biodiversity.
The visit was conducted in preparation for a planned delegation trip by Māori forest owners to Germany to learn about sustainable forestry. In order to provide Ms Marks with insight into practical forestry, we arranged a visit to the forester Maximilian Scheel from the Schleswig-Holstein State Forestry in Reinbek, which is in close proximity to our institute. During the visit, Ms Marks was introduced to various aspects of urban forestry, forest management and the adaptation of forests to climate change, which is also a relevant topic in New Zealand.

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