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A timber truck fully loaded with logs drives over a very simple wooden bridge in a forest.
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A timber truck fully loaded with logs drives over a very simple wooden bridge in a forest.
Institute of

WF Forestry

How big is the EU bioeconomy?

New publication compares different estimation methods.

Estimation of the value added size of primary, secondary and tertiary activities of the EU28 bioeconomy according to the four quantitative approaches presented in the study
© Ronzon et al.

Estimation of the value added size of primary, secondary and tertiary activities of the EU28 bioeconomy according to the four quantitative approaches presented in the study

In the recent literature, estimations of value added as a proxy for bioeconomy size, vary considerably between 881 and about 2300 billion Euro. In order to better understand this range, the article clarifies and compares the concepts and methods of estimation. The articles emphasizes that different aspects of the bioeconomy are measured applying the different methodologies. This has implications on their use to inform on specific policy questions.

  • Ronzon T, Gurria P, Carus M, Cingiz K, El-Meligi A, Hark N, Iost S, M'Barek R, Philippidis G, van Leeuwen M, Wesseler J (2024) Assessing the bioeconomy's contribution to evidence-based policy : A comparative analysis of value added measurements [online]. Bio-Based App Econ: Online First, Jun 2024, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 20.06.2024]
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