Tomke Honkomp will be working within the project BioSDG – The “Sustainable Development Goals”: Which contribution can be provided by the bioeconomy? on how the transformation into a bioeconomy can contribute to the fulfilment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and where conflicts between individual goals may arise.
For doing so, global scenario analysis will be used. The focus of his work will be the global wood market model “Global Forest Products Model” as a part of an interdisciplinary model network. The main objectives of Tomke Honkomp are the integration of climate policy instruments (Carbon taxes) and bioeconomic technologies (BECCS) in the GFPM as well as the analysis of their economic impact on the forestry and wood sector.
Tomke Honkomp has obtained a Master’s degree (M.Sc.) at the Georg-August-University Göttingen and the Bangor University Wales in „Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology“ with a major in „Forest Management and Utilisation“. Within his master’s thesis, he examined the sale of standing timber in the private forests of France from an economic and processual perspective.