FESIM-Project (Forest Economic Simulation Model)

Analysis, implementation and further development of the Forest Economic Simulation Model (FESIM)
Due to the long life cycles of forest stands, the effects of silvicultural decisions, political and legal guidelines, and the influence of climate change on forestry can often only be observed and evaluated with a considerable time delay. The Forest Economic Simulation Model (FESIM) provides us with a model for simulating the long-term effects of changes in land use on forestry. Within the framework of the project and considering current scientific and forest policy issues, we want to further develop the model.
Background and Objective
The FESIM model (formerly: Strugholtz-Englert simulation model) has already been successfully used by us in several research projects, e.g. to evaluate the effects of conservation-related action plans for forestry. From the model applications so far, a need for further development of the FESIM can be derived, such as the improvement of forest growth fundamentals and climate-sensitive modeling as well as the integration of additional elements of multifunctional forestry.
A conceptual and qualitative further development of the FESIM will be pursued, in the context of concrete research questions with scientific and societal relevance. Ultimately, our results should also find their way into policy consulting.
Target Group
Forest enterprises, politics, administration, associations, economy and science
The first step will be to identify current issues with scientific and societal relevance and determine their potential impact on forestry by means of literature research. If there is a need to further develop the FESIM to answer these questions, we will examine suitable models and calculation approaches in a next step and integrate them into the FESIM.
Data and Methods
The following model enhancements are intended by us according to the current status:
- Integration of a mortality module for the simulation of use-free forests or a suspending operation.
- Implementation of a deadwood module
- Improvement of forest growth fundamentals and climate-sensitive modeling (e.g. integration of new tree species, representation of changed growth dynamics and survival probabilities)
- Integration of additional elements of multifunctional forestry (e.g., various ecosystem services)
Our Research Questions
Specifically, the FESIM project will address the following research questions:
- What are the economic impacts of implementing the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030 at the national level?
- What are the effects of changing silvicultural concepts to adapt to climate change on the yield situation of forestry?
What effects does a possible remuneration of further ecosystem services have on forest management and the revenue situation of forestry?

Involved Thünen-Partners
4.2021 - 3.2026
More Information
Project status:
- 0
Regelmann C, Rosenkranz L, Seintsch B, Dieter M (2023) Economic evaluation of different implementation variants and categories of the EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030 using forestry in Germany as a case study. Forests 14(6):1173, DOI:10.3390/f14061173