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A timber truck fully loaded with logs drives over a very simple wooden bridge in a forest.
A timber truck fully loaded with logs drives over a very simple wooden bridge in a forest.
Institute of

WF Forestry


Forest Accountancy Data Network of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture

© Markus Dög

Forest Accountancy Data Network of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture  

How has the economic situation of German forest enterprises changed? Which economic consequences could be expected due to policy changes? In order to answer these and other questions we analyse the Forest Accountancy Data Network (FADN Forestry) of the Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture (BMEL). The results are also used as input data for other reporting systems.

Background and Objective

The FADN Forestry collects accountancy data of around 350 participating state, communal and private forest enterprises of ownership size class over 200 hectares. Annually about 650 natural, capital and business indicators are reported per forest enterprise on a voluntary basis.

Target Group

Forestry practice, statistical offices, science and policy advice


Annually we check the plausibility of the new data of the FADN Forestry in consultation with the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture and enter it into our database. Further analysis is carried out depending on the specific research question.

Data and Methods

The analysis is based on TBN-Forest data from 2003 until today, and includes data from 350 state, cummunal and private forest enterprises, using around 650 individual key figures. Thus, a comprehensive record of economic and natural capital data is available.

Our Research Questions

The TBN-Forest supplies central input-data for the annual accounting of the German Economic Accounts for Forestry and for the Forest Accounting Framework. Specific issues with high relevance for forest practice, science and policy advice are identified and evaluated through an in-depth analysis of key figures of the TBN-Forest accountancy data network.

Preliminary Results

On the basis of data from the Forestry Accountacy Data Network (FADN Forestry), the economic situation of German forest enterprises (> 200 ha) is regularly analysed and described. The analysis is mainly limited to arithmetic average comparisons, e.g. in the context of the annual BMEL report "The Economic Situation of Forestry Enterprises". However, a purely average analysis can only reflect the situation of forest enterprises to a limited extent and can also lead to misinterpretations. Depending on the breadth of dispersion and distribution of the individual key figures, the reality can deviate considerably from the average. Additional information on the dispersion and location of the key figures can therefore contribute to a more realistic assessment of the economic situation. Information on dispersion can also be helpful for deriving policy options, such as the targeted design of forestry support instruments or for benchmarking.

Analysis of selected key figures using box-plot graphics show that the pure average value analysis sometimes deviates significantly from the reality of the FADN enterprises. Positive averages and medians of operating profit can distract from the fact that a significant proportion of enterprises can only achieve negative results. In particular, there is a skewed distribution of the yield variables considered. The median and mean also differ significantly here. The average values represent the overall situation of the enterprises more favorable than it actually is for the majority of FADN enterprises. Especially in crisis years, the deviations and ranges are sometimes particularly large. This can be an indication of a difference in the extent to which the enterprises are affected by damage or it can indicate differences in the marketing possibilities of the forest enterprises. These are particularly evident in crisis years, be it due to the tree species distribution, the wood qualities or access to the timber market. In contrast, the mean and median of the expenditure parameters under consideration are much closer to each other. The dispersion within the years is also high in some cases, but there are fewer differences between the years. Overall, the enterprises’ expenses seem to be more stable and already more optimized.

Links and Downloads


Up-to-date accounting results and further background information on the FADN Forestry

Ehemalige Thünen-Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter


Permanent task 1.2017

More Information

Project status: ongoing


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    Bauer A, Buhrmester C, Ellermann W, Englert H, Ermisch N, Gehrke A, Hübner M, Jacobs H, Jander A, Seintsch B, Trein B, Ulbricht I, Wühr F (2016) Zuständigkeiten und Organisation des TBN-Forst. AFZ Der Wald 71(17):37-40

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