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A timber truck fully loaded with logs drives over a very simple wooden bridge in a forest.
© Thünen-Institut
A timber truck fully loaded with logs drives over a very simple wooden bridge in a forest.
Institute of

WF Forestry

Further news 2023 - 2014

Thünen Institutes of Forestry and Forest Ecosystems in collaboration with CIFOR (Centre of International Forest Research) started a project on forest landscape and ecosystem service restoration (FLESRA) in Ethiopia in March 2019. It will last to December 2024.

A group photo

This study introduces a new approach to ensure the validity of agent-based simulations. Previous approaches to ensuring the validity of agent-based simulations are often inconsistent and coherent evaluation methods are lacking.

Graphic from the publication

The report is now available for download:

The front page of the report, showing people from behind carrying baskets on their heads with seedlings

As part of the new permanent task "resource monitoring wood", the first questionnaires have been sent out. Survey results will provide a better overview of wood use and production in the pulp industry as well as the wood-based panel industry.

In the foreground, two superimposed questionnaires and a wooden pole in the background.

Christian Morland started working on a PostDoc position on wood products market modelling in the Fields of activity “Forest Product Markets”.

Christian Morland successfully defended his doctoral thesis on the 27 of October 2022.

This study estimates the revenue from selective timber harvesting in a pilot study in a 20-year-old secondary cloud forest (SCF) in Mexico. Previous research contains very limited information regarding SCF potential for sustainable timber production.

After a long corona break, IUFRO Division 3.08.00 was able to meet for the first time in Ginowan, Okinawa Prefecture, from Oct. 26 - Nov. 01 for its international conference.

On 6th October 2022, Dr Rattiya S. Lippe and Dr Jörg Schweinle contributed to the special event “Beyond numbers: income, employment and decent work in forestry”, at the 8th World Forest Week, organized by FAO in collaboration with the ILO and UNECE.

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