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MA Market Analysis


Our market models - established and new combined

© Thünen-Institut / Marktanalyse
Frauenpower schafft Marktgleichgewicht

Further development of the Thünen model network - market models

EU agricultural policies as well as international trade policies have changed considerably during the last decades. This has led to an increased demand from policy makers and scientists for model-based quantitative assessments of the consequences of respective policy reforms.

Background and Objective

The related complex analyses require the interactive application of models for different decision levels (micro, meso and macro level). The Thünen model network connects and further develops farm, regional and sector partial and general equilibrium models for the joint application for policy impact assessments. The further development of the model network is of central importance in order to continually and promptly carry out quantitative assessments of the policy impacts while ensuring high scientific quality.


The models of the network are closely linked to other research carried out at the institute as well as to national and international networks. Projects in the institute result in new model approaches for the network and the models of the network support the success of other institute research projects. The resources of the model network are supplemented by third party funding, which are used to study relevant future topics and developments and enable the model network to commence time intensive model developments early. We continuously update the model data bases and fine-tune the co-ordination between models, e.g. through the establishment of a common baseline. 

Data and Methods

The Thünen-Institute of Market Analysis maintains the models MAGNET and AGMEMOD. MAGNET is a general equilibrium model covering all economic sectors globally. MAGNET drews on value flows based on the GTAP database. AGMEMOD is a partial equlibrium model, describing agri-food sectors of EU Member States and selected other countries. Concerning the products quantities (suppy, demand, trade) and prices are captured and analysed.   

Preliminary Results

The models MAGNET and AGMEMOD are further developed with respect to content, method and programming techniques. Both are regularly used for quantitative policy assessments, often together with other models of the Thünen model network.

Links and Downloads

Website - AGMEMOD


Website - GTAP

Website - MAGNET


  1. 0

    Haß M, Banse M, Eysholdt M, Gocht A, Laquai V, Offermann F, Pelikan J, Rieger J, Stepanyan D, Sturm V, Zinnbauer M (2024) Thünen-Baseline 2024 - 2034: Agrarökonomische Projektionen für Deutschland. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 97 p, Thünen Rep 117, DOI:10.3220/REP1728479310000

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    Laquai V, Haß M, Sturm V, Zirngibl M-E, Banse M, van Leeuwen M, González Martinez A, Jongeneel R (2023) Fit für zukünftige Projektionen: Aktualisierung des AGMEMOD-Modells zur Abbildung der neuen GAP. Braunschweig: Thünen-Institut für Marktanalyse, 2 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2023/28, DOI:10.3220/PB1686555415000

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    Laquai V (2023) Long-term challenges in cereal and oilseed markets - case studies analyzed with model systems [online]. Göttingen: Georg-August-Univ, xxiii, 279 p, Göttingen, Univ, Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften, Diss, 2022, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 22.02.2023], DOI:10.53846/goediss-9711

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    Haß M (2022) Coupled support for sugar beet in the European Union: Does it lead to market distortions? J Agric Econ 73(1):86-111, DOI:10.1111/1477-9552.12435

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    Fellmann T, van Leeuwen M, Salamon P, Kok A, Boluk G (2013) EU enlargement to Turkey: potential effects on Turkey agricultural income and markets. Eurasian Econ Rev 2(2):1-16

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