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Institute of

OF Organic Farming


Permanent and temporary grassland are of great importance in organic farming (around 50% of the area). The use of meadows and pastures is not only for feed production for ruminants (cattle, sheep, goats). Grassland also provides outdoor space for poultry and pigs and can contribute to the feed supply for these animals. The preservation and use of grassland contribute to the provision of ecosystem services (biodiversity, climate protection, water and nature conservation). Therefore, in grassland management, it is important to reduce conflicts and trade-offs through site-adapted management and to maintain multifunctionality.

Ongoing Projects

Grass-fed milk - seasonal calving in Germany?

Seasonal calving of dairy cows can facilitate the production of grass-fed milk. However, this is uncommon in Germany. Advantages for the national dairy sector, existing boundaries and a possible Implementation are unclear and will be debated in this project.

Grass-fed milk - seasonal calving in Germany?

Robots for digital pastures

Robotics can make a significant contribution to the digitalization of agriculture by taking on labor-intensive activities. This project aims to make technical solutions accessible to small farms and strengthen pasture based systems.

Robots for digital pastures

Finished Projects

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