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Institute of

OF Organic Farming


Animal welfare aspects on electronic animal identification for goats

© Thünen-Institut/Heiko Georg

Electronic animal identification with goats on pasture with respect to animal welfare

Electronic identification of sheep and goats is mandatory in Europe since 01.01.2010. There are many concerns about injuries related to identification tags. Thus the objective of our study was the evaluation of an early identification of goat kids together in their housing and on pasture.

Background and Objective



In a scientifal approach 162 goat kids were randomly assigned to two different application times, browsing of bushes and 4 diefferent ear-tag types. Inflammation and potential risk for injuries was assessed regularly. The first 3 months, goats were raised in the stable with potential risk at hay racks and metal separating grids.

With following period on pasture two different fences were evaluated:

  • Mobile electric net fencing
  • Mobile wire fencing and browsing (fodder hedges)

Data and Methods

Two application times were used: less thans24 h after birth and after 9 months ear tags were applied. At first, every four days, finally every 10-20 days a visiual inspection of wounds and healing was documented.


None of ear-tags applied nor any husbandry or application time caused inflammations. Exisiting inflammations were rated as marginal. Even the use of electric net fences and browsing of fodder hedges did not provoke extended scab. Technical defects and losses could not be observed.


Dr. Heiko Georg

+49 4539 8880 328
+49 531 2570 1436

Involved external Thünen-Partners

Funding Body

  • Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank
    (national, privat)


1.2010 - 2.2012

More Information

Project status: finished


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