Changing provision of services of general interest in rural areas

The school shuts down, the village shop has closed a long time ago and wastewater taxes are rising year in and year out. Residential vacancies increase and municipalities only govern the scarcity of funds. Changing services of general interest may look like that. In order to supply the population, new solutions are needed.
Background and Objective
Services of general interst are crucial for the quality of life in rural areas. The project aims to monitor the processes of change in these areas including demographic changes, new demands, retrenchment, privatisation and labour force shortage.
We utilise existing statistics and scientific literature. In addition, we participate in conferences and the scientific debates. Beside the description, we also search for innovative solutions for rural areas. Therefore, we evaluate experiences of pilot projects, new initiatives, as well as other adaptation strategies of important actors. The focus is on selected services including local supply, health care, mobility and fire brigade.
Data and Methods
Secondary statistics are analyzed in order to describe changes in service provision, and to identify particular affected regions. In addition, we analyze documents about the institutional framework.

Involved Thünen-Partners
Permanent task 1.2013 - 12.2026
More Information
Project status:
Publications to the project
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Bretthauer J, Krajewski C, Küpper P (2024) Der Beitrag von smarten 24/7-Märkten zur Sicherung der Nahversorgung in ländlichen Räumen. Z'GuG 47(2):136-158, DOI:10.5771/2701-4193-2024-2-136
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Küpper P, Mettenberger T, Bermes L (2024) Pilotprojekte zur Sicherung der Nahversorgung in ländlichen Räumen. Start-ups, sozialorientiertes Unternehmertum und Fördermittel als Treiber? Raumforsch Raumordn Spat Res Plann 82(2):99-113, DOI:10.14512/rur.1699
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Küpper P, Seel M (2022) Bewertung der Nahversorgung zwischen Treffpunktfunktion, Präferenzen, Ressourcen, Bewältigungsstrategien und räumlicher Nähe. DISP Planning Rev 58(2):56-73
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Küpper P (2022) Innovative Nahversorgungskonzepte in ländlichen Räumen. KommP Spezial(1):28-33
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Steinführer A, Küpper P (2020) Daseinsvorsorge in ländlichen Räumen [online]. Inf Polit Bildung 343(2):16-25, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 03.08.2020]