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© Johanna Fick
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Institute of

LV Rural Studies

Projects "Governance and civic engagement"

Ongoing Projects

5-Länder-Evaluation: What are the effects of financing rural development on agriculture, on environment and well-being in rural areas?

In cooperation with the Thünen-Institute of Farm Economics, the Thünen-Institue of International Forestry and Forest Economics and entera the Thünen-Institute of Rural Studies evaluates rural develpoment programmes and measures within a multi-disciplinary team and approach. The Institute of Rural Studies is the leading partner. Main tasks are analyses regarding programme delivery and implementation, enviromental issues, the support of human capital and cooperation activities as well as rural development including the LEADER approach.

5-Länder-Evaluation: What are the effects of financing rural development on agriculture, on environment and well-being in rural areas?

Civic engagement in rural areas

In rural areas, civic engagement is considered essential for individual social integration, social cohesion and a democratic political culture. However, there are hardly any empirically valid results on this; rather, neither the distribution and development of people's engagement in rural areas nor its actual significance for the (political) community have so far been adequately researched. The research project aims to analyze the extent and distribution of civic engagement in rural areas and to research its role for social cohesion and political culture.

Civic engagement in rural areas

Stability and Acceptance of the Democratic System in Rural Areas

Is voting behavior different in rural areas and in urban areas? Is there a lower voter turnout in rural areas? Are people there more discontent with democracy? Are populist parties more successful in rural areas? These are lead question of a new research project at Thünen Institute.

Stability and Acceptance of the Democratic System in Rural Areas

Finished Projects

Accompanying research of the pilot projekt LandZukunft

LandZukunft is a pilot project of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL). Our accompanying research serves the aim of collecting, arranging and analysing the experiences from the four pilot regions, the districts of Dithmarschen, Holzminden, Uckermark and Birkenfeld. The aim is to reach generalisable conclusions that inform decision makers for the design of upcoming policies.

Accompanying research of the pilot projekt LandZukunft

Evaluation 'Land(auf)Schwung'

Many peripheral rural regions are affected by unemployment, low wages, sparse infrastructure, out-migration and population ageing. The federal ministry of agriculture searches for new approaches for developing such regions. We research these new pilot programs concerning their feasibility and transferability.

Evaluation 'Land(auf)Schwung'

Local government capacities in rural areas

Being responsible for various public policies, local governments are crucial actors for safeguarding equal living conditions. To what extent do local governments in rural areas possess the necessary capacities?

Local government capacities in rural areas

Special Analysis: Volunteering

Um die Potentiale freiwilligen Engagements für das lokale Gemeinwesen identifizieren zu können, bedarf es einer grundlegenden und systematischen Dokumentation des freiwilligen Engagements in ländlichen Räumen. Das Forschungsprojekt leistet hierzu einen Beitrag, indem es Sekundärdaten (Sozio-oekonomisches Panel SOEP, Deutscher Freiwilligensurvey FWS) auswertet und das freiwillige Engagement in ländlichen Räumen systematisch erfasst.

Special Analysis: Volunteering

Young and committed in associations

Associations in rural areas have long complained about a lack of young people. In the JIVE research project, we are investigating the conditions and motives for the voluntary commitment of young people in rural areas and, in this context, we are asking about the role of associations.

Young and committed in associations

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