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© Kay Panten
Institute of

SF Sea Fisheries


This year's field campaign of the „Helgoland Tope Tagging“ project came to an end in October. During the campaign, Dr Matthias Schaber was able to deploy two more satellite transmitters (tags) on tope and send the sharks on their way to the North-East Atlantic.

Dr. Matthias Schaber is retrieving an underwater video-system. This, together with other so-called BRUVs (Baited Remote Underwater Video), is a methodical expansion of the project to investigate tope sharks around Helgoland that is intended to be deployed regularly from next year on.

A pilot study with a new monitoring approach in the German Bight confirms the ecological importance of offshore wind farms as a potential refuge and food source for marine life: Rock piles at the base of wind turbines function as artificial reefs and have a positive effect on species such as cod,…

Cod in the hands of a researcher.

Visit us on 18th and 19th of August on the "Scientific Mile" of "PIER der Wissenschaft" during the Maritime Days 2023 in Bremerhaven.

How consistent is the classification of redfish between different countries? These and other questions were answered at a workshop in Greenland.

A special meeting took place at the beginning of March 2023: Mrs Johanna Bringmann handed over her 63-year-old (!) seahorse, which she found as a little girl on the island of Sylt in 1960.

The first of our seagoing colleagues from the Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries were able to learn a lot about the use and application of work and survival suits on the high seas in an internal workshop...

In a recent documentary "42 - the answer to almost everything" by the ARTE channel, our colleague Dr. Matthias Schaber also has his say on the causes for the endangerment of many shark species in the world's oceans.

The Thünen Institute is again - together with the Bremerhaven University of Applied Sciences, the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) and the TTZ Bremerhaven -  representative for „Science in Bremerhaven" at the trade fair "fish international". Visit us at the joint stand "Science & Innovation…

A strong cohort!

Master students from the marine biology class from University of Bremen visit the Thünen Institute for a course in fisheries biology for the second time these days.

[Translate to English:]

Researchers discover a connection between deep-sea fish and the impacts of climate change at the surface

Blick über das Achterdeck auf mit Schnee bedeckte Berge und das Wasser

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