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Institute of

HF Wood Research

KLIMAtiv at the 32. Deutsche Holzschutztagung

In Dresden, the results of a comparison of heat treatments were presented that could be an alternative to the fumigation of export logs with sulfuryl fluoride (SF).

Jan Benthien at the lectern
© Institut für Holztechnologie Dresden gemeinnützige GmbH

Jan Benthien presents test results from the KLIMAtiv research project

At this year's wood preservation conference organised by the Institut für Holztechnologie Dresden (IHD), Jan Benthien presented test results from the KLIMAtiv research project on the heat treatment of export round timber to 88 participants. The focus here was on vacuum/steam treatment, for which systems are already available on the market that can accommodate loaded sea containers. The greenhouse potential of SF and the reasons for the strong export of spruce logs to China in 2019 and 2020 were discussed by way of introduction.


Dr. Jan Benthien

More infomations:

To the Thuenen project: Climate-neutral fumigation and alternative treatment for log exports

PDF file of the lecture: Substitution von Sulfuryldifluorid (SF) im Rund- holzexport



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