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A publication entitled "Charcoal in Anaerobic Digestion: Part 1-Characterization of Charcoal" was published in the C - Journal of Carbon Research on 26.08.2024.

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The background for the current study is that charcoal is often used as an additive in anaerobic digestion to increase the yield and/or stabilize the process. However, charcoal is rarely described in detail in terms of raw material sources, production processes and structural, physical and chemical properties. However, this would be necessary to relate the studied material to its effects on digestion. For example, it is an open question whether microorganisms from the biogas plant can penetrate different types of biochar depending on the source. In this study, the production of charcoal is described with regard to process temperature, treatment time and yield. Various other physical and structural changes in relation todimension (shrinkage), density, pore size distribution, ash content, content of volatile components and elemental composition of charcoal cubes from pine (Pinus sylvestris) and beech (Fagus sylvatica) are characterized.


Dr. Volker Haag

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