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ALL ON BOARD ... off to Irmingersee!

Today, the Walther Herwig III begins its several-week research survey in the Atlantic Ocean.

The crew as they prepare to leave with our research vessel Walther Herwig III
© Thünen-Institut / Nicole Hielscher

The crew as they prepare to leave with our research vessel Walther Herwig III

A team of scientists, technicians and student assistants from the Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries are on their way to investigate the two redfish (Sebastes mentella) stocks in the Irminger and Labrador Seas as part of the internationally coordinated International Deep Pelagic Ecosystem Survey (IDEEPS).

You can read more about their experiences on board in the Thünen Sea Blogs. You can also find more detailed information about these cruises on our IDEEPS research cruises page.

We wish our crew a safe journey!


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