Project breeding of new willow clones for short rotation plantations Lead Institute FG Institute of Forest Genetics The project aims at the selection of productive willow clones with new genetic basis
Project mycotoxin producing fungi Lead Institute FG Institute of Forest Genetics Fungal strains from woody material of woodland and forest tree species of natural forest sites could be identified as p
Further Publications by Dr. Matthias Bösch 0 Moog M, Bösch M (2013) Interest rates in the German forest valuation literature of the early nineteenth century. Forest Pol Econ 30:1-5 1 Kaiser R, Bösch M
Contributions to books, compilations, conference proceedings of Jörg Rieger 0 Rieger J, Weible D (2017) Analyse der Nachfragereaktionen auf den Dioxinskandal: Sind die Medien oder letztendlich Konsumg
Contributions to journals /magazines Contributions in reviewed journals / magazines of Tomke Lindena Contributions in non-reviewed journals / magazines of Tomke Lindena 0 Kuhnert H, Lindena T (2020) A
All publications of Hauke Tergast 0 Deblitz C, Efken J, Banse M, Isermeyer F, Rohlmann C, Tergast H, Thobe P, Verhaagh M (2021) Politikfolgenabschätzung zu den Empfehlungen des Kompetenznetzwerks Nutz
All publications of Gideon Tetteh 0 Tetteh G, Gocht A, Erasmi S, Schwieder M, Conrad C (2021) Evaluation of sentinel-1 and sentinel-2 feature sets for delineating agricultural fields in heterogeneous
Contributions to books, compilations, conference proceedings of Tomke Lindena 0 Lindena T, Hess S (2018) Besteht ein Zusammenhang zwischen nachhaltigerer Milcherzeugung und wirtschaftlicher Zufriedenh
Project Accompanying research on the organization of deforestation-free supply chains Lead Institute MA Institute of Market Analysis © James Thew - Fotolia How can be ensured that the production of ag
Other publications of Corinna Hempel 0 Home R, Gerrard CL, Hempel C, Lost'ak M, Vieweger A, Husák J, Stolze M, Hamm U, Padel S, Willer H, Vairo D, Zanoli R (2017) The quality of organic market data: p