List of Publications of Dr. Sebastian Glasenapp 0 Hirschler O, Osterburg B, Weimar H, Glasenapp S, Ohmes M-F (2022) Peat replacement in horticultural growing media: Availability of bio-based alternati
Project Livable Insect-Campus Lead Institute BD Institute of Biodiversity © Thünen-Institut/Michael Welling Both the total number and the number of species of continue to decline dramatically despite
Peer-reviewed articles by Dr. Sebastian Glasenapp at the Thünen Institute 0 Glasenapp S, Fonseca M, Weimar H, Döring P, Aguilar FX (2021) Conversion factors for residential wood energy in the European
Further Publications by Dr. Sebastian Glasenapp 0 Glasenapp S (2014) Charakterisierung von Nanofibrillen aus unterschiedlichen Zellstoffen. Hamburg: Univ Hamburg, Fak für Mathematik, Informatik und Na
[Translate to English:] Waldentwicklungs- und Holzaufkommensmodellierung WEHAM (“Waldentwicklungs- und Holzaufkommensmodellierung“: forest development and timber resource modelling) is a forest growth
Soil Carbon © Erik Grüneberg Dying biomass accumulates in forest soils and creates - fostered through chemical and biological processes - short and long term reservoirs of forest soil carbon. Terrestr
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reporting Carbon stocks and stock changes in Forestry As a party to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), Germany has been obliged since 1994 to
Policy advice © UNFCCC (CC BY 2.0) Almost all countries use the United Nations to negotiate possible measures for Climate Change mitigation and adaptation. How much carbon is stored in German forests?