Project Ex-ante-Evaluation CAP Strategic Plan Austria Lead Institute LV Institute of Rural Studies © Lukas Kühnen The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union is implemented through nati
Thünen Project brief 0 Jochem D, Bösch M, Weimar H, Dieter M (2021) Pulp and paper balances to supplement international statistics. Hamburg: Thünen Institute of International Forestry and Forest Econo
All publications of Felix Lobert 0 Lobert F, Röder N, Gocht A, Schwieder M, Erasmi S (2022) Mowing detection from combined Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, and Landsat 8 time series on fallow cropland with tra
Contributions to books, compilations, conference proceedings of Felix Lobert 0 Lobert F, Röder N, Gocht A, Schwieder M, Erasmi S (2022) Mowing detection from combined Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, and Lands
Contributions to books, compilations, conference proceedings of Marcel Schwieder 0 Lobert F, Röder N, Gocht A, Schwieder M, Erasmi S (2022) Mowing detection from combined Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, and L
As part of the online conference series "Forestry and Wood - Where do we go from here?" of the Competence Network for Sustainable Wood Utilisation (NHN), Arne Fey was awarded the NHN Promotion Prize "
Aspasia Werners publications not originating from Thünen Institute 0 Werner A, Spiller A, Meyerding SGH (2020) The yoga of sustainable diets: Exploring consumers mind and spirit. J Cleaner Prod 243:11
For the first time, scientists have succeeded in imaging the structure of wood three-dimensionally (3D) at the smallest level using a new X-ray technique. Research groups from Hamburg, Göttingen and E
List of Publication 0 Meier D, Appelt J, Windt M, Radtke S, Hartmann A, Fortmann I, Kurzbach F, Strüven JO (2021) Verbundvorhaben: Entwicklung eines kombinierten Verfahrens zur Veredelung von Pyrolyse