Project Sensors show how dairy cows graze Lead Institute OL Institute of Organic Farming Accelerometers can be used to identifiy activity. Depending on the part of the body where the sensors are attac
Project ValoFor Lead Institute WO Institute of Forest Ecosystems Beteiligte Institute WF Forestry © Florian Cormon Background and Objective Due to ongoing social changes in European society a consider
Thünen-AK organised a week-long Winter School in Eddy Covariance Flux Measurements during 10.-14.6.2019 at the Vuwani Science Resource Centre of the University of Venda in Limpopo, South Africa. This
Thuenen related publications 0 Bunge A, Lugert V, McClure M, Kammann U, Hanel R, Scharsack JP (2022) Less impact than suspected: Dietary exposure of three-spined sticklebacks to microplastic fibers do
Further publications (non-Thuenen) 0 Schlicht K, Krattenmacher N, Lugert V, Schulz C, Thaller G, Tetens J (2019) Estimation of genetic parameters for growth and carcass traits in turbot ( Scophthalmus
Last pilot studies for CRANIMPACT were carried out from 28 April - 2 May 2019, comprising a detailed survey of local bathymetry in the tidal gully 'Lister Ley' and an underwater deployment of the vide
All publications of Nicolas Lampkin 0 Lampkin N, Sanders J, Stolze M (2021) Future options for organic farming policy support in Europe. Thünen Rep 88: 93
Contributions to books, compilations, conference proceedings of Nicolas Lampkin 0 Lampkin N, Sanders J, Stolze M (2021) Future options for organic farming policy support in Europe. Thünen Rep 88: 93 h
From 7 to 9 May, the Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries hosted the ICES Workshop on a Research Roadmap for Mackerel. Participants were top ranking fisheries managers, representatives of the fishing ind