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In this Thünen topic, we address biodiversity in agricultural landscapes, in forests and in oceans. For all three types of areas we perform the following tasks:

  • Development of concepts for monitoring
  • Analysis of causes and consequences of low biodiversity
  • Evaluation of measures for the protection, use and enhancement of biodiversity

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Verschiedene Fischarten auf einem Fischmarkt
Marine Biodiversity – assess and protect species richness

Changes in marine environments have direct effects on marine species communities and food webs. Securing and restoring biological diversity in the sea is of central importance for the sustainable use of marine resources.

Biodiversity and migratory species

Fish species that migrate between fresh and marine waters, so-called diadromous species, are often particularly vulnerable to human impacts. They are put under pressure by river constructions and fragmentation of habitats as well as by over-fishing ...

Ein Marienkäfer auf einer Pflanze
The value of diversity

Diverse agricultural landscapes are not only beautiful to look at, but also fulfil many ecological services that can also be economically relevant.

Eine Mauerbiene fliegt im Freiland eine Nisthilfe an
Wild bees - who are they and if so, how many?

The many wild bee species found in Germany are of elementary importance for agriculture, fruit growing and the various ecosystems. The Thünen Institute is setting up wild bee monitoring as part of a citizen science approach.

Ein Monitoring-Trupp auf einer Wiese mit blühenden Pflanzen.
Recording biodiversity in agricultural landscapes

Changes in land use and biodiversity must be known if a trend reversal in species decline is to be achieved. This is the purpose of the nationwide monitoring of biodiversity in agricultural landscapes.

A database for fish genes

A DNA database can help to protect fish biodiversity and habitats and prevent illegal fishing and overfishing.

Ein Aal im Gewässer zwischen Steinen
The European eel – mysterious and threatened

The European eel is acutely threatened. So far it has not been possible to take effective protective measures. The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) has now, for the first time, clearly recommended a complete closure of eel ...

Grafik zum Auftreten verschiedener Arten von Küstenfischen an der Ostseeküste von Schleswig-Holstein im Jahresverlauf.
How does the coastal fish community change during the annual cycle?

Scientists of the Thünen Institute are investigating the state of coastal fish along the coast of Schleswig-Holstein in the Baltic Sea. To do so, monthly samples were taken in 2021 to assess the coastal fish community at several sampling stations.

[Translate to English:]
Where have all the insects gone?

A dispute has arisen among the public and experts about the extent to which the insect fauna in Germany is declining. This has opened a political window that makes it possible to examine the situation of biodiversity in agricultural landscapes. Good ...

Eine singende Grauammer in einer blühenden Brachfläche.
Promoting agricultural birds through fallow land

Bird populations clearly benefit from agricultural fallows, especially in landscapes with medium structural complexity.

A flat boat on the way to a fish trap
Fewer eels than estimated

Der Europäische Aal ist stark bedroht. Erklärtes Ziel der EU ist daher, dass mehr Aale aus unseren Gewässern abwandern, um sich fortpflanzen zu können. Dies empirisch zu erfassen ist allerdings aufwendig und beruht oft auf modellierten  ...


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