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WI Institute of Rural Economics


The organization team (from left to right): Christian Hundt (WI), Dirk Fornahl, Joachim Lange, and Barbara Fährmann
Conference in Loccum provides new insights into start-ups in rural areas

The symposium on start-ups in rural areas, co-organized by WI, took place in Loccum from 6 to 7 February. Over 60 participants listened to numerous contributions from science and practice and discussed empirical findings and political options for action at a high professional level.

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Cornelius Peters (left), Christian Hundt, and Birgit Kleinschmit in front of the entrance board of the Rural Areas Research Unit
A warm welcome, Madam President

On her third day in office, the newly appointed President of the Thünen Institute, Prof. Birgit Kleinschmit, found time for her first visit to the Institute of Rural Economics. At the end of the day together, it was clear that everyone was looking forward to working together in the future!

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Cover of the Journal Regional Studies
Publication on the effects of transport infrastructure on economic growth

In a study recently published in the journal Regional Studies Damiaan Persyn and co-authors investigated the impact of transport infrastructure on regional economic growth.

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Institute of

WI Rural Economics

Bundesallee 64
38116 Braunschweig
Phone: +49 531 2570 2030 / +49 171 6821222


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    Shevtsova Y, Diaz-Lanchas J, Persyn D, Mandras G (2025) Trade spillover effects of transport infrastructure investments: A structural gravity analysis for the EU regions. Reg Stud: Online First, Jan 2025, DOI:10.1080/00343404.2024.2441231

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    Kopka A, Runst P (2024) Bunte Karte, bunte Wahlen? AfD-Präferenzen jenseits von Ost und West. Wirtschaftsdienst 104(9):614-617, DOI:10.2478/wd-2024-0160

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    Frankenberg D (2024) Demografiebedingte Risiken für die Tragfähigkeit der Kommunalhaushalte. BBSR Online Publ 118/2024:67-78

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    Runst P, Thomä J (2024) Deregulierung, Re-Regulierung - Auswirkungen der Rückvermeisterung im Handwerk. Wirtschaftsdienst 104(1):53-57, DOI:10.2478/wd-2024-0017

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    Niebuhr A, Peters JC, Roth D (2024) Dynamic agglomeration effects of foreigners and natives - The role of experience in high-quality sectors, tasks and establishments. Reg Sci Urban Econ 108:104040, DOI:10.1016/j.regsciurbeco.2024.104040

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