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Institute of

SF Sea Fisheries

Dr. Leyre Goti

Institute of Sea Fisheries

Palmaille 9
22767 Hamburg-Altona
+49 471 94460 335
+49 471 94460 199

Research interests

  • Project management
  • Alternative economic uses of natural protected areas
  • European policy of primary sector and Ecosystem services
  • Socioeconomic modeling and impact assessment of fisheries management measures

Educational background and assignment

  • since 2012: Research fellow at the fisheries economics department at Institute of Sea Fisheries
  • 2011 – 2012: Research grant of the Environment, Spatial planning, Agriculture and Fisheries Department of the Basque Government  in the projects Innovation in the Timber industry (Zurtek) and Ecosystem Services and LCA of low input Livestock systems (Agricultural Research Institute Neiker - Tecnalia)
  • 2010: Leonardo da Vinci EU in the Toscan section of the Italian Association for Biodynamic Agriculture APAB (Florence)
  • 2007 – 2009: Researcher at the Marine Research institute AZTI – Tecnalia (Sukarrieta, Spain)
  • 2007: Master in International Economics. Master Thesis on „Institutional aspects of the European Common Fisheries Policy“ at Berlin School of Economics and Law.
  • 2007: Postgraduate studies Master of Education - CAP with a major in Mathematics from the Universidad Autonoma of Madrid
  • 1995 - 2006: Studies of Economics with main fields in Environment and Resource Economics and Economic Theory of the Firm from the University of the Basque Country.

Working Groups and Committees

Working Group - CommitteeTasks
Working Group on Maritime Systems (WGMARS)WGMARS is an expert group based on interdisciplinary collaboration and understanding of the coupled human/ocean system.
Working Group on Economics (WGECON)Coordination of possible economic input to requests to ICES (e.g. ecosystem overviews) and development of economic inputs to the work of ICES.
Working Group on Social Indicators (WGSOCIAL)WGSOCIAL focuses on improving the integration of social sciences in ICES through culturally relevant social indicators.
International Committees
European Association of Fisheries Economists (EAFE)EAFE promotes cooperation in economic research in fisheries and aquaculture, e.g. with biennial conferences and workshops.
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