Dr. Christian von Dorrien
Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries
Alter Hafen Süd 218069 Rostock
- Telephone
- +49 381 66099 106
- Fax
- +49 381 66099 199
- christian.dorrien@thuenen.de
Fields of activity
- Head of research area Fisheries & Environment Baltic Sea
- Head of IT-department at the Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries
- Advice to BMEL concerning fisheries management in protected areas and mitigation the bycatch of protected species
- Contributions to expert working groups of the International Council for the Exploration of the Seas (ICES), e.g. Advisory Committee (ICES-ACOM)
- Project coordinator "Does the efficiency of PAL to reduce harbor porpoise bycatch persist? (PAL-CE)"
- Advisor to the Steering Board of the Global Sustainable Seafood Initiative (GSSI)
Research interests
Fisheries management in protected areas; ecosystem based fisheries management; fisheries indicators; fisheries ecology; alternative management approaches; data base development
Scientific background
Since 02/2004: Senior scientist at Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries (until 2007 Bundesforschungsanstalt für Fischerei, since 2008 Thünen Institute)
2002-2003: Education as software and database developer (cbm Bremen)
1997-2002: Policy officer for marine fisheries at WWF (Bremen)
1993-1997: Scientist at the Center for Tropical Marine Ecology (ZMT, Bremen); Coordination of field research in a two years german-brasilian research project in Recife (Brazil); Foundation of the Contact Office Tropicoast at the ZMT
1993: Promotion (Dr. rer. nat) at Kiel University (Ecology and respiration of arctic benthic fish species) in fisheries biology
1990-1992: Scientist and PhD student at the Institute of Polar Ecology at Kiel University, two multi-monthly sea going research cruises to the Arctic
1989: Diploma (Dipl.-Biol.) at the Institute of Polar Ecology at Kiel University (Ichthyoplankton in relation to hydrographie and zooplanktion in the Weddell Sea)
1985-1989: Studies of fisheries biology, physical oceanography und zoology at Kiel University
1983-1985: Studies of biology at Bielefeld University
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Basterretxea M, Baerum KM, Campbell N, Dierschke V, Dorrien C von, Fernandez R, Glemarec G, Kingston A, Ojaveer H, Carlos Pinto NO, Sigurdsson GM (2023) Monitoring seabird bycatch in the North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission Regulatory Area. Copenhagen: ICES, ii, 11 p, ICES Bus Rep 3(2), DOI:10.17895/ices.pub.21908577
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Grati F, Druon J-N, Bastardie F, Borges L, Casey J, Coll Monton M, Daskalov G, Döring R, Drouineau H, Goti-Aralucea L, Hamon K, Ibaibarriaga L, Jardim E, Jung A, Ligas A, Mannini A, Martin P, Moore C, Stransky C, Dorrien C von, et al (2023) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - validation of selected sustainability indicators and underlying methodologies for the revision of the EU marketing standards for fisheries products (STECF-22-12). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, iii, 83 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep 132121, DOI:10.2760/214080
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Haase S, Dorrien C von, Kaljuste O, Plantener N, Sepp E, Stelzenmüller V, Velasco A, Oesterwind D (2023) The rapid expansion of offshore wind farms challenges the reliability of ICES-coordinated fish surveys - insights from the Baltic Sea. ICES J Mar Sci: in Press, DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fsad124
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Vega C de la, Paar M, Köhler L, Dorrien C von, Kriegl M, Oesterwind D, Schubert H (2023) Trophic redundancy in benthic fish food webs increases with scarcity of prey items, in the Southern Baltic Sea. Front Mar Sci 10:1143792, DOI:10.3389/fmars.2023.1143792
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Campbell N, Coleman P, Dorrien C von, Diekmann R, Edwards D, Egekvist J, Gibin M, Gonzales Mirelis G, Hintzen N, Hjörleifsson E, Holah H, Jakovleva I, Jonsson P, Katara I, Kovsars M, Kraan C, Lamoni L, Martinez R, Örey S, Schulze T, et al (2022) Working group on spatial fisheries data (WGSFD; outputs from 2021 meeting). Copenhagen: ICES, iii, 151 p, ICES Sci Rep 4(92), DOI:10.17895/ices.pub.21630236
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Egekvist J, Rufino MM, Bentes LMCF, Breen P, Campbell N, Cano D, Carvalho A, Danhiez F, Edwards D, Fennell H, Fonseca T, Franceschini G, Galdelli A, Gil MM, Glemarec G, Hague E, Harper Jones C, Henriques HN, Schulze T, Dorrien C von, et al (2022) Workshop on geo-spatial data for small-scale fisheries (WKSSFGEO). Copenhagen: ICES, 60 p, ICES Sci Rep 4(10), DOI:10.17895/ices.pub.10032
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Kriegl M, Elias Ilosvay XE, Dorrien C von, Oesterwind D (2021) Marine protected areas: At the crossroads of nature conservation and fisheries management. Front Mar Sci 8:676264, DOI:10.3389/fmars.2021.676264
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Gascuel D, Druon J-N, Barz K, Döring R, Goti L, Kreiß C, Dorrien C von, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, Borges L, Jung A, Villasante S, Absil C, Afonso O, Cozzolino M, Dewals J-F, Di Natale A, Gieseler JS, Grati F, Gomez S, et al (2021) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Criteria and indicators that could contribute to incorporating sustainability aspects in the marketing standards under the Common Market Organisation (STECF-20-05). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 123 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/211065
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Chladek J-C, Culik B, Kindt-Larsen L, Moesgaard Albertsen C, Dorrien C von (2020) Synthetic harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) communication signals emitted by acoustic alerting device (Porpoise ALert, PAL) significantly reduce their bycatch in western Baltic gillnet fisheries. Fish Res 232:105732, DOI:10.1016/j.fishres.2020.105732
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Rau A, Lewin W-C, Zettler ML, Gogina M, Dorrien C von (2019) Abiotic and biotic drivers of flatfish abundance within distinct demersal fish assemblages in a brackish ecosystem (western Baltic Sea). Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 220:38-47, DOI:10.1016/j.ecss.2019.02.035
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Beest FM van, Mews S, Elkenkamp S, Schuhmann P, Tsolak D, Wobbe T, Bartolino V, Bastardie F, Dietz R, Dorrien C von, Galatius A, Karlsson O, McConnell B, Nabe-Nielsen J, Olsen MT, Teilmann J, Langrock R (2019) Classifying grey seal behaviour in relation to environmental variability and commercial fishing activity - a multivariate hidden Markov model. Sci Rep 9:5642, DOI:10.1038/s41598-019-42109-w
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Königson S, Macleod K, Bonanomi S, Clarke M, Couperus B, Dorrien C von, Evans P, Fernandez R, Hielscher NN, Kaminska K, Kingston A, Koschinski S, Larsen F, Marcalo A, Peltier H, Pinto C, Plikshs M, Sigurdsson G, Wozniczka A (2019) Working Group on Bycatch of Protected Species (WGBYC). Copenhagen: ICES, 163 p, ICES Sci Rep 1(51), DOI:10.17895/ices.pub.5563
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Campbell N, Martinez R, Dorrien C von, Edwards D, Egekvist J, Gibin M, Gonzalez-Mirelis G, Hintzen NT, Hjörleifsson E, Holah H, Jakovleva I, Jonsson P, Kovsars M, Millar C, Olsen J, Örey S, Punzon A, Rantannen P, Salvany L, Schulze T, Woillez M (2019) Working Group on Spatial Fisheries Data (WGSFD). Copenhagen: ICES, 144 p, ICES Sci Rep 1(52), DOI:10.17895/ices.pub.5648
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Dorrien C von, Chladek J-C (2018) Sicherung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der deutschen Fischerei durch Entwicklung innovativer, praxistauglicher PAL-Warngeräte zur Minimierung von Schweinswal-Beifängen - Schlussbericht des Teilprojektes 1. Rostock: Thünen-Institut für Ostseefischerei, 17 p
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Chladek J-C, Kindt-Larsen L, Culik B, Conrad M, Dorrien C von (2017) Listen to your PAL! Innovative alerting device significantly reduces western Baltic harbour porpoise bycatch : Poster for European Cetacean Society Conference 2017. Hamburg: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 1 p
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Zaiko A, Calkiewicz J, Eero M, Dorrien C von, Kuosa H, Klais R, Lehtiniemi M, Margonski P, Oesterwind D, Ojaveer H, Rau A, Reusch TBH, Törnroos A, Warzocha J, Winder M (2017) Response of biodiversity indicators to management measures (test of indicators). EU Bonusproject BIO-C3, 72 p, DOI:10.3289/BIO-C3_D5.1
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Culik B, Dorrien C von, Conrad M (2016) Porpoise Alerting Device (PAL): Synthetic harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) communication signals influence behaviour and reduce by-catch. BfN Skripten 451:150-155
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Kraak SBM, Dorrien C von, Krumme U, Nordheim L von, Oeberst R, Strehlow HV, Zimmermann C (2016) The discard ban and its impact on the MSY objective - The Baltic Sea. In: Research for PECH Committee - The discard ban and its impact on the maximum sustainable yield objective on fisheries : workshop. Brussels: European Union, pp 137-194
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Culik B, Conrad M, Schaffeld T, Dorrien C von, Kindt-Larsen L (2015) Deploying Porpoise Alerting Device (PALfi) in Baltic and North Sea Gillnet Fisheries [Poster]. In: 29th Conference of the European Cetacean Society, 23rd to 25th March 2015, University of Malta, Malta . Msida: University of Malta
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Culik B, Dorrien C von, Müller V, Conrad M (2015) Synthetic communication signals influence wild harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) behaviour. Bioacoustics 24(3):201-221, DOI:10.1080/09524622.2015.1023848
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Stepputtis D, Zimmermann C, Krumme U, Dorrien C von (2015) Technical measures in the Baltic Sea - an alternative to over-regulation and the brace-and-belt approach : in-depth analysis. Brussels: European Parliament Policy Department B: Structural and Cohesion Policies, 42 p
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Kock K-H, Dorrien C von (2014) Die Fische des Nord- und Südpolarmeeres. In: Lozán JL (ed) Warnsignal Klima : die Polarregionen ; Gebiete höchster Empfindlichkeit mit weltweiter Wirkung. Hamburg: Wiss Auswertungen, pp 160-168
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Probst WN, Rau A, Diekmann R, Dorrien C von, Seidel H, Fock HO, Kraus G, Stelzenmüller V (2014) Eine Thünen-Evaluierung von fisch- und fischereibezogenen Indikatoren der EU Meeresstrategie-Rahmenrichtlinie (MSRL). Hamburg: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 106 p, Thünen Working Paper 25, DOI:10.3220/WP_25_2014
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Miethe T, Bastardie F, Dorrien C von, Nielsen JR (2014) Impact assessment of a fisheries closure with effort and landings spatial analyses: a case study in the Western Baltic Sea. Fish Res 157:170-179, DOI:10.1016/j.fishres.2014.04.004
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Miethe T, Gröhsler T, Böttcher U, Dorrien C von (2014) The effects of periodic marine inflow into the Baltic Sea on the migration patterns of Western Baltic spring-spawning herring. ICES J Mar Sci 71(3):519-527, doi:10.1093/icesjms/fst166
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Dorrien C von, Hammer C, Zimmermann C, Stepputtis D, Stuermer IW, Kotterba P, Polte P (2013) A review on herring Clupea harengus (Actinopterygii: Clupeiformes: Clupeidae) recruitment and early life stage ecology in the Western Baltic Sea. Acta Ichth Piscat 43(3):169-182, doi:10.3750/AIP2013.43.3.01
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Dorrien C von, Krumme U, Grieger C, Miethe T, Stötera S (2013) Analye fischereilicher Daten in den schleswig-holsteinischen Küstengewässern der Ostsee. Hamburg: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 72 p
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Paulsen M, Hammer C, Malzahn AM, Polte P, Dorrien C von, Clemmesen C (2013) Nutritional situation for larval Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus L.) in two nursery areas in the western Baltic Sea. ICES J Mar Sci 71(4):991-1000, DOI:10.1093/icesjms/fst168
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Oesterwind D, Psuty I, Pachur M, Dorrien C von, Lejk AM, Casini M, Larson N (2013) Proportion of large fish in the community. In: HELCOM (ed) HELCOM core set of biodiversity and hazardous substances core indicators. Helsinki: Helsinki Commission, Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission, pp 196-207
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Arrendal J, Birzaks J, Boedeker D, Brzeska P, Bucas M, Böttcher U, Chernova N, Dorrien C von, Oesterwind D, et al (2012) Checklist of Baltic Sea Macro-species. Helsinki: Helsinki Commission, 203 p, Baltic Sea Environ Proc 130
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Oesterwind D, Psuty I, Pachur M, Dorrien C von, Leijk A (2012) Proportion of large fish in the fish community : HELCOM working document. 3 p
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Dorrien C von (2012) Sustainable fisheries in a changing world : 7th - 11th May 2012, Edinburgh, Scotland ; Acknowledgement - World Fisheries Congress 2383405. 2 p
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Sell AF, Pusch C, Dorrien C von, Krause J, Schulze T, Carstensen D (2011) Maßnahmenvorschläge für das Fischereimanagement in Natura 2000-Gebieten der deutschen AWZ der Nord- und Ostsee. Hamburg ; Rostock ; Insel Vilm: vTI ; BfN, 299 p
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Hammer C, Dorrien C von, Hopkins CCE, Köster FW, Nilssen EM, StJohn M, Wilson DC (2010) Framework of stock-recovery strategies: analyses of factors affecting success and failure. ICES J Mar Sci 67(9):1849-1855, doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsq122
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Hammer C, Köster F-W, StJohn M, Hopkins CCE, Wilson DC, Dorrien C von, Strehlow HV (2010) UNCOVER report : The potential for success of recovery strategies for fish stocks & fisheries - options and constraints ; final activity report. 240 p
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Hammer C, Zimmermann C, Dorrien C von, Stepputtis D, Oeberst R (2009) Begutachtung der Relevanz der Auswirkung des Kühlwassers des geplanten Steinkohlekraftwerks in Lubmin auf die fischereilich genutzten marinen Fischbestände der westlichen Ostsee (Hering, Dorsch, Flunder, Scholle, Hornhecht) : Umweltgutachten für das Ministerium für Landwirtschaft, Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, vertreten durch das Staatliche Amt für Umwelt- und Naturschutz Stralsund. Rostock: vTI, 280 p
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Hammer C, Zimmermann C, Dorrien C von, Stepputtis D, Oeberst R (2009) Begutachtung der Relevanz des Kühlwassers des geplanten Steinkohlekraftwerks in Lubmin auf die fischereilich genutzten marinen Fischbestände der westlichen Ostsee (Hering, Dorsch, Flunder, Scholle, Hornhecht) : Endbericht. Rostock: vTI, 278 p
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Hammer C, Dorrien C von, Ernst P, Gröhsler T, Köster F, MacKenzie BR, Möllmann C, Wegner G, Zimmermann C (2008) Fish stock development under hydrographic and hydrochemical aspects, the history of Baltic Sea fisheries and its management. In: Feistel R, Nausch G, Wasmund N (eds) State and evolution of the Baltic Sea, 1952 - 2005 : a detailed 50-year survey of meteorology and climate, physics, chemistry, and marine environment. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Interscience, pp 543-581
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Dorrien C von (2008) Fishing for sustainable policies - political causes of overfishing and solutions for sustainable fisheries. In: Storch H von, Flöser G (eds) Environmental crises. Heidelberg; Berlin: Springer, pp 83-100
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Strehlow HV, Dorrien C von (2008) Strengths and Deficiencies of International, European and Regional Collaboration and Coordination of MariFish Partner Countries : Deliverable 3.3 (3.1 + 3.2). Brussels: Marifish, 72 p
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Strehlow HV, Dorrien C von (2007) Strengths and deficiencies of International and European collaboration and coordination of MariFish partner countries. Brussels: Marifish, 31 p
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Dorrien C von (2007) UNCOVER - 1st Interim Activity Report of the European Commission. 48 p
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Dorrien C von, Zimmermann C, Hammer C (2006) Das EU-Projekt UNCOVER. Jahresber Bundesforschungsanst Fischerei 2005:50-51
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Kock K-H, Dorrien C von (2006) Die Fische des Nord- und Südpolarmeeres. In: Lozán JL, Graßl H, Hubberten HW (eds) Warnsignale aus den Polarregionen : wissenschaftliche Fakten ; [Natur, Klimawandel, Ressourcen, Umweltschutz ; zum internationalen Polarjahr 2007 - 2009] . Hamburg: Wiss Auswertungen, pp 133-139
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Strehlow HV, Dorrien C von, Wawrzynski W (2006) Evaluation of National Research Programs : deliverable 5.4. Rostock: Thünen-Institut für Ostseefischerei, 19 p
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Strehlow HV, Dorrien C von, Wawrzynski W, Linkowski T (2006) Inventory of National Research Programs : Deliverable 5.3. Rostock: OSF, 22 p
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Dorrien C von (2006) Meeresschutzgebiete - (k)ein Instrument des Fischereimanagements. In: Deutschland / Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit (eds) Meeresumwelt-Symposium 2005 : 15. Symposium, 7. bis 8. Juni 2005 in Hamburg. Hamburg: Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, pp 115-123
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Hammer C, Dorrien C von (2006) Understanding the mechanisms of stock recovery - EU Project UNCOVER will develop recovery strategies. Copenhagen: ICES, 11 p, ICES Council Meet Paper 2006/R 01