Dr. Lydia Rosenkranz

Institute of Forestry
Leuschnerstraße 9121031 Hamburg-Bergedorf
- Telephone
- +49 531 2570 1707
- lydia.rosenkranz@thuenen.de
Curriculum Vitae
- 2001 bis 2006: Studies at the Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences at Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg (Accounts: Graduated Forester)
- 09/2002 - 01/2003: Participation at ERASMUS-Program of the EU "School of Agricultur and Forest Sciences", Bangor, Wales
- 07/2006 - 06/2008: Trainee at higher Forestry Ministration of Rhineland-Palatinate State Forests (Accounts: Forestry Assessor)
- 11/2008 - 01/2010: Member of Scientific Staff at the Faculty of Forest and Environmental Sciences, Institute of Forest Policy, Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg
- 01/2010 - 09/2013: Scientist at the Institute for Forest Economics
- since 10/2013: Scientist at the Thünen Institute of Forestry
(until 30.11.2021 Thünen Institute of International Forestry and Forest Economics) - 2016: Doctoral degree (Dr. forest.) at the University of Göttingen. Title of the dissertation: "Auswirkungen der Umsetzung von Naturschutzmaßnahmen auf die Forst- und Holzwirtschaft.”
Cooperation on Scientific Panels
- IUFRO Division 4.05.01 - Managerial, social and environmental accounting, Coordinator
- Eurostat Working Group on Forestry Statistics
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