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Institute of

AT Agricultural Technology

Smart Integrated Agricultural Systems

Current Projects

Determine emissions from open stables

Freely ventilated open stalls are good for animal welfare: they offer natural light, fresh air and exercise as needed for pigs, cattle and co. But how high are the greenhouse gas emissions actually caused by this type of animal husbandry? The EmiMod project will provide the data basis for this.

Determine emissions from open stables

Soil water dynamics of forestry used skid trails - identification and prognosis of critical conditions

Forest soils under pressure: In addition to the influences of progressive climate change, humans have an impact on the forest ecosystem and its soil during mechanized timber harvest. How can soil damage caused by wheeling be minimized through weather-adapted use of skid trails?

Soil water dynamics of forestry used skid trails - identification and prognosis of critical conditions

soil conserving field traffic

Implementing Good Practice of traffiking on fields The Federal soil protection act § 17 rules that soil compaction, especially in due consideration of soil type, soil moisture and soil pressure, caused by devices used for agronomic purpose, should be avoided to the greatest possible extent. There are three measures for prevention: besides crop agronomic measures and working systems the technical feasibilities of the choice and setting of the chassis should be used.

soil conserving field traffic


BonaRes (A): SOILAssist - Sustainable protection and improvement of soil functions with intelligent land management strategies – a practical on the fly assistance system for farmers


Plastic in agricultural soil

Despite intensive research activities, knowledge about the distribution of (micro)plastics in the environment is still very limited. At present, central challenges are the development and standardisation of analytical methods, especially for agricultural soils.

Plastic in agricultural soil

How good is the air quality in animal houses?

Poor air quality in stables can harm the respiratory ducts of farm animals; lung function impairment is also a recognised occupational disease of farmers and veterinarians. We investigate the composition of air in animal houses to improve air quality and prevent diseases.

How good is the air quality in animal houses?

emission reduction in livestock

Determination and assessment of emissions from livestock and development of measures and operations for emission reduction.

emission reduction in livestock

Assistence Systems for Intelligent Cattle Husbandary - "CattleHub"

Digitalization and automation are of increasing importance in modern cattle farming. The “CattleHub” experimental field is intended to support the interdisciplinary development and establishment of assistance systems for all cattle farming. For this reason, digital technologies and sensors are examined and evaluated in six experimental areas. The results will be used to improve decision-making and animal welfare when using digital assistance systems.

Assistence Systems for Intelligent Cattle Husbandary - "CattleHub"

Transparency in Pig Production

Digital traceability and transparency along the pig value chain in the Oldenburger Münsterland region - Transparency in Pig Production

Transparency in Pig Production


Cross innovation and digitisation in animal-friendly pig farming, taking into account the protection of resources - "DigiSchwein" advise, qualify and promote


Zukunftlabor Agrar

The central aspects of the call for future laboratory are the questions of data management and interpretation, automation and autonomization of agricultural technologies and the legal framework in agricultural and food industry. Consequently the impact of digitization on the sustainability of agriculture will be analyzed.

Zukunftlabor Agrar

Completed Projects

Sensor based irrigation control in potatoes

Some 25 percent of the German potato production is located in northeast Lower Saxony and uses intensive field irrigation. Can a new sensor system allow more efficient water use?

Sensor based irrigation control in potatoes

multiple sensor system concerning soil conservation

General assessments for the compaction sensitivity of soils are existing. The machine driver needs information about the actual compaction sensitivity of his fields for a soil conservativetrafficking, which by means of modern sensors has to be considered.

multiple sensor system concerning soil conservation

site adapted soil tillage

Intensive soil tillage systems provide a low topsoil protection and lead to a strong soil loosening. This increases the danger of silting, soil erosion and soil compaction. The loosening depth effects the degree of soil cover, the infiltration through aeration and load bearing capacity of the soil.

site adapted soil tillage

optimized climate farm

Regarding climate change, agriculture is both causer and aggrieved party. Heavy rainfall and extended dry periods make the calculation of plant available nutrients more difficult. Nitrogen, not used by plants, accelerates the climate change.

optimized climate farm

Contactless measurement methods for crop production

How can crop growth and crop stress be measured on the field? Will the future farmer be able to monitor the growth and state of his crop online from at home? We are working for a digital farming future. We are developing contactless measurement methods for crops on the field.

Contactless measurement methods for crop production


Remote sensing assessment of drought and heat tolerance of wheat genotypes at selection sites with accompanying studies on rooting depth, root morphology and water balance


Farmers as Water Managers in a Changing Climate

In the past decades the goal of research and industry was to distribute water as evenly as possible with irrigation technology. With the current knowledge regarding soil heterogeneity and increasing field sizes in East Germany to around 50 ha irrigated with one machine, the need for partial area specific water distribution become evident.

Farmers as Water Managers in a Changing Climate

Soil protection in highly mechanized timber harvest

In modern highly mechanized timber harvesting, vehicle mass has been steadily increasing for decades. Heavy vehicles increase the performance of logging and make it possible to meet the growing demand for wood. Due to the increasing days of use, however, unfavorable soil conditions can impair soil functions. How does this affect, and what are the solution strategies for a soil-conserving timber harvest?

Soil protection in highly mechanized timber harvest

How you measure emissions from open stable systems

Open stable systems with open yards are used in organic cattle farming. Until now, emission factors for open yards of cattle barns respectively dairy barns do not exist in Germany. For an objective evaluation of the emissions, which is necessary for proceedings on the granting of building permission, these data are strongly needed.

How you measure emissions from open stable systems

In what sizes and concentrations do bioaerosols from poultry farmingcome?

In what sizes and concentrations do bioaerosols from poultry farmingcome?


Bio-aerosols around the clock

Automated measurement of fluctuations of the bio-aerosol concentration at animal houses during the course of the day

Bio-aerosols around the clock

Automated measurement of bio-aerosols

Planned construction of animal houses lead more and more often to resistance in the local population. The reason: Emission of bio-aerosols. We develop measuring systems to collect valid data and provide them for health assessment.

Automated measurement of bio-aerosols

Tracing the flight of bioaerosols

Planned construction of animal housings lead more and more often to resistance in the local population. The reason: Emission of bioaerosols. We develop measuring systems to collect valid data and provide them for health assessment.

Tracing the flight of bioaerosols

What are the sizes of bio-aerosols?

“What is the size of bio-aerosols?” The answer to this question is not easy to give, because bio-aerosol particles are composed of many different components as viruses, bacteria, moulds, pollen and debris of plants and animals, each with different sizes. It is an important question, too, because the effects of bio-aerosols on human health are depending also on the particle size. For example, large bio-aerosol particles get already stuck in the nose or mouth which may cause a common cold, but small particles can get deep into the lungs and in the worst case may induce pneumonia.

What are the sizes of bio-aerosols?

Partial underfloor suction in cattle stables

On the one hand, the stables are supposed to release only low rates of ammonia into the environment. On the other hand, they are supposed to offer enough space, light and fresh air for the animals. A classical target conflict between environment and animal protection? This project is supposed to show that this combination can work out.

Partial underfloor suction in cattle stables

Dust in horse keeping

A large number of horses are afflicted by acute or chronic airway diseases. Airborne particulate matter (APM), in the vernacular often named as dust, are regarded as one of the causative factors. Sources of APM in horse keeping are among others roughage (hay) and riding surface (tread layer). To reduce the APM concentration in horse keeping a range of measures can be adopted.

Dust in horse keeping

Investigation of Legionella in agricultural wastewater treatment plants

Currently, more than 1000 exhaust air treatment plants are in operation in Germany to reduce emissions in pig and poultry farming. Under certain operating conditions and circumstances, colonization of these air scrubbers with Legionella can not be completely ruled out. We will check that.

Investigation of Legionella in agricultural wastewater treatment plants

Development of a drone-based bioaerosol collector

The spatial distribution of bioaerosols in the environment of intensive livestock husbandry is calculated almost exclusively by computer models, because bioaerosol measurements are relatively complex and have so far been carried out only on the ground. We want to show another way.

Development of a drone-based bioaerosol collector

Investigation of the tenacity of airborne microorganisms under real ambient air conditions

How long can bacteria survive in the air? Nobody knows that exactly. Not yet.

Investigation of the tenacity of airborne microorganisms under real ambient air conditions

Recirculation air scrubbing of inside stable air

With 95 % the agriculture is the main polluter of ammonia emissions in Germany. A considerable portion of these emission is released from animal livestock. Emissions should be reduced and animal welfare improved as well by using the recirculation air scrubbing within the animal keeping.

Recirculation air scrubbing of inside stable air

Examination of Legionella in agricultural exhaust air purification systems

Currently, well over 1.000 exhaust air purification systems are in use on German pig- and poultry farms to reduce emissions. Under certain operating conditions and circumstances a colonization of legionella in these systems cannot be completely ruled out. Therefore we are on track.

Examination of Legionella in agricultural exhaust air purification systems

Digital twins of free ventilated dairy barns

How does the air flow through an open stable building and what air pollutants are released as a result? We answer this with the help of a "digital twin".

Digital twins of free ventilated dairy barns

Fertilizer concentrates from residuals (DüaR)

Development and testing of an innovative and environmetally sound manure and digestate processing for the production of a solid humus product with phosphorus enrichment and simultaneous nitrogen separation in a transportable form as a liquid fertilizer.

Fertilizer concentrates from residuals (DüaR)

Automated data recording at livestock farming

Automated data recording at livestock farming enabels continuous online assessment of animal-related data, climate / environment data and construction data. To get an overview of the different systems on the market, a database is created, with which the systems are recorded and characterized in their functionality.

Automated data recording at livestock farming

Networking and Transfer Project for Digitalization in Agriculture

The large number of research activities in the field of digitalization in agriculture initiated by the Federal Government within the last few years are evaluated in this project, involved researcher are networked with each other and the results are prepared, evaluated and published.

Networking and Transfer Project for Digitalization in Agriculture

Automated Pig Localization in Pigsties

The current localization of pigs in pigsties can be done manually by animal observations, in a limited scope by RFID transponders or by video analysis, whereby the recognition of individual animals are problematic.

Automated Pig Localization in Pigsties

Indikators for animal welfare - Fattening pigs

Since February 2014, livestock farmers in Germany have a legal obligation to carry out an internal company audit. Legislation requires the collection and assessment of "suitable animal-related characteristics" (animal welfare indicators)" in this context in § 11 (8) of the animal welfare act. (TierSchG, 2006), without giving details of their content, size and frequency of collection.

Indikators for animal welfare - Fattening pigs

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