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Institute of

OF Baltic Sea Fisheries

Archive of Events


Rostock´s Eleven – Competition, Science & Communication

Chickens, worms, language, solar winds, visible music, baking powder or AI - the range of this year's Rostock's Eleven competition is impressive.


Long Night of the Sciences 2024 in Rostock

The Long Night of the Sciences once again attracts young and old from the city and state to Mecklenburg-Vorpommern's largest public science event. Discover our local knowledge and research landscape with us.

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Science@Sail Campus at the Hanse Sail 2023

The Rostock research landscape presents a large exhibition with maritime research at the Hanse Sail 2023.

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Rostock´s Eleven 2023

For the 14th time, the [Rostock denkt 365°] association is organizing the "Rostock's Eleven" science competition, which offers young scientists a stage for their exciting research topics.


Long Night of the Sciences 2023 in Rostock

The Long Night of the Sciences once again attracts young and old from the city and state to Mecklenburg-Vorpommern's largest public science event. Discover our local knowledge and research landscape with us.

Public panel discussion with Dr. Christopher Zimmermann and Professor Dr. Martin Meschede as part of the lecture series "Studium universale" of the Graduate Academy of the University of Greifswald (in German).

Der Hering in der Klimafalle

Thünen-Kolloquium (in German)

Referent: Dr. Christopher Zimmermann, Thünen-Institut für Ostseefischerei

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Lecture by Dr. Malte Dorow at the Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries (in German)

Wildbienen und Fischerei: Das Thünen-Institut beim Tag der offenen Tür des BMEL

Am 20/21. August 2022 öffnet das BMEL in Berlin seine Türen und lädt zu einem Blick hinter die Kulissen ein. Auch das Thünen-Institut ist mit spannenden Themen dabei. Vorbeikommen lohnt sich.

Lecture in Rostock, by Dr. Christopher Zimmermann, head of the Thünen Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries in Rostock.

Frisch gefangene Sprotten.

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