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AK Climate-Smart Agriculture


More data for better models

Balazs Grosz, Amanda Matson et al.: Modeling Denitrification: Can We Report What We Don't Know?

Measurement of nitrogen and nitrous oxide emissions in lysimeter and plot tests in Braunschweig
© Thünen-Institut/Amanda Matson

Measurement of nitrogen and nitrous oxide emissions in lysimeter and plot tests in Braunschweig

We have published a "Commentary" about the importance of presenting the whole N-balance (and C-balance). Many biogeochemical models calculate the whole N balance, but journals and reviewers often criticize that only the calibrated model results should be published.  

We assume that the scarcity of “complete” modeled N balances in the soil denitrification literature stems from the reluctance of the scientific community to support the publication of unvalidated modeled output, especially given that the simulation results of these “neglected” N pools may be unrealistic.

We argue that reporting the entire N balance, including unvalidated results like N2 and other related parameters, should become standard when publishing the results of N model studies. Based on what we outlined above, this would: (a) illustrate the diversity and uncertainty of different modeling approaches, (b) show the robustness of modeled N balances, (c) identify data gaps, and (d) enhance future model development.

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