The aim of the study was to find the best practice for using calibrated passive samplers (acid traps) and to evaluate the impact of ammonia drift between plots. Therefore, acid traps and the Draeger-Tube method were used in parallel with different slurry application techniques in
multi-plot field trial. There was good agreement in treatment averages, but background NH3 concentrations affected both methods. NH3 drift was also problematic with both methods, e.g., due to contamination of the Draeger carrier system. The present data confirm that for derivation of the transfer coefficient, a highly emitteing treatment should be used, as also shown by Pacholski 2016. Conclusion of our study: The determination of NH3 emissions in plot experiments with several treatments is not only logistically a great challenge, but also requires detailed methodological considerations for the measurement and subsequent evaluation in advance.
Method comparison for measuring ammonia emissions in multi-plot field trials
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