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Marcus Schiedung et al.: Millennial-aged pyrogenic carbon in high-latitude mineral soils
The 2024 submission updates the data on greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture between 1990-2022 and gives an estimate of emissions for 2023.
Konstantin Aiteew et al.: Evaluation and optimisation of the soil carbon turnover routine in the MONICA model (version 3.3.1)
Jan Oestmann, Arndt Piayda et al.: Short-term carbon cycling at a Sphagnum farming site under drought stress
Julia Schroeder et al.: Liming effects on microbial carbon use efficiency and its potential consequences for soil organic carbon stocks
Carla Welpelo et al: Effects of birch encroachment, water table and vegetation on methane emissions from peatland microforms in a rewetted bog
Oksana Rybchak et al.: Livestock grazing and biodiversity: Effects on CO₂ exchange in semi-arid Karoo ecosystems, South Africa
Sophie Drexler, Eiko Thiessen & Axel Don: Carbon storage in old hedgerows: The importance of below-ground biomass
Namid Krüger, Damien Finn & Axel Don: Soil depth gradients of organic carbon-13 – A review on drivers and processes
Axel Don, Felix Seidel et al.: Carbon sequestration in soils and climate change mitigation - Definitions and pitfalls