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Institute of

AK Climate-Smart Agriculture


Bei Liu, Julia Schroeder et al.: Crop diversification improves the diversity and network structure of the prokaryotic soil microbiome at conventional nitrogen fertilization

The prokaryotic co-occurrence network structure is affected by crop diversification at a moderate N fertilization of 150 kg nitrogen per hectare.

Tino Peplau et al.: Deforestation for agriculture leads to soil warming and enhanced litter decomposition in subarctic soils

Wiltrut Koppensteiner et al.: Ermittlung von Potenzialgebieten für Moorschutzmaßnahmen in Deutschland

Examples of overall assessments of “prospects of implementation” and “potential maximum effects”.

Caroline Buchen-Tschiskale, Reinhard Well, Heinz Flessa: Tracing nitrogen transformations during spring development of winter wheat induced by 15N labeled cattle slurry applied with different techniques

Measuring soil gases in winter wheat

Martin ten Huf , ..., Caroline Buchen-Tschiskale et al.: Effects of Liquid Manure Application Techniques on Ammonia Emission and Winter Wheat Yield

Measurement of ammonia emissions using passive samplers in winter wheat at the Linner See/Osnabrück site

Liv Offermanns, Bärbel Tiemeyer, Ullrich Dettmann et al.: High greenhouse gas emissions after grassland renewal on bog peat soil

Eddy Covariance Flux Tower at Gnarrenburger Moor

Stefan Karlowsky, Caroline Buchen-Tschiskale et al.: Sources of nitrous oxide emissions from hydroponic tomato cultivation: Evidence from stable isotope analyses

Measurement of nitrogen and nitrous oxide emissions using closed chambers in tomato cultivation on rock wool slabs in the greenhouse

Björn Kemmann et al.: Waterlogging effects on N2O and N2 emissions from a Stagnosol cultivated with Silphium perfoliatum and silage maize

Measurement of nitrogen and nitrous oxide emission in intact soil columns with control of waterlogging in an automated incubation system

Björn Kemman et al. (2022): Greenhouse gas emissions from Silphium perfoliatum and silage maize cropping on Stagnosols

Measuring greenhouse gas fluxes in cup plant stand

Pascal Wintjen, Frederik Schrader et al.: Forest–atmosphere exchange of reactive nitrogen in a remote region – Part II: Modeling annual budgets

Measuring setup at the Bavarian Forest National Park

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