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© Anja Bunge / Thünen-Institut
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Institute of

FI Fisheries Ecology


The Thünen Institute of Fisheries Ecology is embracing growth


Here we go: Construction of the new research vessel WALTHER HERWIG has started at the Lithuanian shipyard in Klaipeda. The keel laying marks the start of the practical construction phase of the replacement project for one of the world's most modern and efficient vessels for German fisheries and…

Eine Visualisierung des neuen Forschungsschiffs


Ensuring cooperation across all Thünen Institutes and locations can be challenging.

Gruppenfoto von 30 Personen, im Hintergrund das Forschungsschiff.

Insights into the genetic diversity of tuna support the sustainable management of the stocks.

Picture of four blue fishes

The Baltic Sea is the world leader in radioactive Cs-137 contamination in fish.

Schiffsbug auf dem Meer

Various squid species are found in the North Sea—some of which only became established there due to climate change. A new study has examined how they integrate into the existing ecosystem and what they eat by analyzing their fatty acids.

An interdisciplinary research team demonstrated in their new study that harmful phthalates and endocrine disruptors are released from common soft plastic baits

Mehrere Angelköder in einer Hand präsentiert

There are large quantities of conventional ammunition under water off German coasts that were dumped there after the Second World War. Since then, the ammunition has been rusting on the seabed and releasing pollutants. Thünen researchers investigated whether fish living there were affected.

Kopf eines Plattfisches

The results of the project "BIOEELS" - brief and understandable.

Fish market at a beach in Tanzania

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