Aquaculture is the farming of aquatic organisms like fish, crustaceans, molluscs and aquatic plants in artificial systems, coastal and inland waters. Aquaculture involves the intervention in the rearing process to enhance production. In contrast to capture fisheries, the stock being cultivated is under individual or corporate ownership. The global demand for fish and seafood has been increasing rapidly throughout the last decade. Capture fisheries production, however, continuous to remain stable. Aquaculture is thus getting more and more important as substantial increases in global fish production can only be achieved by farming. At present, more than 50% of fish and seafood for human consumption are derived from aquaculture. Indeed, the expansion of aquaculture gave rise to several questions, e.g. in the fields of technology, ecology as well as in socioeconomics. With our research, we want to contribute in solving these questions making aquaculture sustainable.
- 0
Salehi H, Reiser S, Pourkazemi M, Focken U (2024) Complete replacement of fish meal with potential aquafeed ingredients for rainbow trout in Iran. Turk J Fish & Aquat Sci 24(3):TRJFAS24254, DOI:10.4194/TRJFAS24254
- 1
Bergschmidt A, Brinkmann J, March S, Reiser S (2024) Ergebnisse des Projekts "Nationales Tierwohl- Monitoring" (NaTiMon) für die Erfassung des Tierwohls in Landwirtschaft und Aquakultur. Braunschweig; Trenthorst; Bremerhaven: Thünen-Institut für Betriebswirtschaft; Thünen-Institut für Ökologischen Landbau; Thünen-Institut für Fischereiökologie, 2 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2024/11, DOI:10.3220/PB1712045714000
- 2
Reiser S, Teitge F, Klase K, Steinhagen D, Lugert V (2024) Farming, transport, and slaughter common carp: survey guidelines for a National Animal Welfare Monitoring. Consortium of the National Animal Welfare Monitoring (NaTiMon) project, 105 p, DOI:10.3220/MX1725864900000
- 3
Reiser S, Teitge F, Klase K, Lugert V, Steinhagen D (2024) Farming, transport, and slaughter rainbow trout: survey guidelines for a National Animal Welfare Monitoring. Consortium of the National Animal Welfare Monitoring (NaTiMon) project, 112 p, DOI:10.3220/MX1725864652000
- 4
Schäfer F, Becke C, Brämick U, Fey D, Hanel R (2024) Fischkonsum in Deutschland : Die Bedeutung der Aquakultur. Journal Culinaire(39):113-120
- 5
Klinkmann D, Kreiß C, Focken U (2024) Hemmnisse und Verbesserungspotenziale der Öko-Aquakultur in Deutschland. Ber Landwirtsch 102(1), DOI:10.12767/buel.v102i3.507
- 6
Bergschmidt A, Geef L, Gröner C, Johns J, Over C, Prottengeier B, Treu H, Wieczorreck L, Krieter J, Krugmann K, Heil N, Koch M, Lühken S, Kauselmann K, Brinkmann J, Frieten D, Magierski V, March S, Lugert V, Reiser S, et al (2024) Monitoring animal welfare in agriculture and fish farming at a national level. In: Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (ed) UFAW International Animal Welfare Conference 2024 : scientific programme, 10 - 11 July 2024, Porto, Portugal. p 19
- 7
Bergschmidt A, Brinkmann J, March S, Reiser S (2024) Monitoring Animal Welfare in Agriculture and Fish Farming. Results of the Project "National Animal Welfare Monitoring" (NaTiMon). Braunschweig; Trenthorst; Bremerhaven: Thünen Institute of Farm Economics; Thünen Institute of Organic Farming; Thünen Institute of Fisheries Ecology, 2 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2024/11a, DOI:10.3220/PB1712046679000
- 8
Bergschmidt A, Andersson R, Bielicke M, Brinkmann J, Gröner C, Heil N, Hillmann E, Johns J, Kauselmann K, Kernberger-Fischer I, Klase K, Koch M, Lugert V, Magierski V, March S, Over C, Prottengeier B, Reiser S, Treu H, Wieczorreck L, et al (2024) Recommendations for the introduction of a national animal welfare monitoring system in Germany : 6 steps for implementation. Consortium of the National Animal Welfare Monitoring (NaTiMon) project, 58 p, DOI:10.3220/MX1714115837000
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Kreiß C, Brüning S, Reiser S (2024) Steckbriefe zur Tierhaltung in Deutschland: Aquakultur. Bremerhaven: Thünen-Institut für Fischereiökologie, 22 p
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Lugert V, Teitge F, Klase K, Steinhagen D, Reiser S (2023) A reliable set of welfare indicators for farmed rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) with proven intra- and inter-observer reliability. In: Abstracts: World Aquaculture, May 29 to June 1, 2023, Darwin, Australia.
- 11
Johns J, Andersson R, Bielicke M, Brinkmann J, Frieten D, Gröner C, Heil N, Hillmann E, Kauselmann K, Kernberger-Fischer I, Klase K, Lugert V, Magierski V, March S, Over C, Prottengeier B, Reiser S, Treu H, Wieczorreck L, Bergschmidt A, et al (2023) Abschlussbericht Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring (NaTiMon) [online]. Konsortium des Projektes Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring (NaTiMon), 191 p, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 02.08.2023]
- 12
Schäfer F, Kammann UKR (2023) CLEAN FISH - alternative food from cell culture. Bremerhaven: Thünen Institute of Fisheries Ecology, 2 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2023/36a, DOI:10.3220/PB1690784467000
- 13
Wuertz S, Reiser S (2023) Creatine: A valuable supplement in aquafeeds? Reviews Aquacult 15(1):292-304, DOI:10.1111/raq.12717
- 14
Bergschmidt A, Andersson R, Bielicke M, Brinkmann J, Gröner C, Heil N, Hillmann E, Johns J, Kauselmann K, Kernberger-Fischer I, Klase K, Koch M, Lugert V, Magierski V, March S, Over C, Prottengeier B, Reiser S, Treu H, Wieczorreck L, et al (2023) Empfehlungen für die Einführung eines nationalen Tierwohl-Monitorings: 6 Punkte zur Umsetzung. Konsortium des Projektes Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring (NaTiMon), 60 p, DOI:10.3220/MX1686754159000
- 15
Reiser S, Michels T, Illing B (2023) First steps towards mass rearing of European smelt (Osmerus eperlanus, L.) using conventional hatchery equipment. Aquatic Liv Res 36:8, DOI:10.1051/alr/2023003
- 16
Lugert V, Teitge F, Klase K, Steinhagen D, Reiser S (2023) Haltung, Transport und Schlachtung Karpfen: Erhebungsleitfaden. Konsortium des Projektes Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring (NaTiMon), 105 p, DOI:10.3220/MX1681996056000
- 17
Klase K, Teitge F, Steinhagen D, Lugert V, Reiser S (2023) Haltung, Transport und Schlachtung Karpfen: Methodenhandbuch Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring. Konsortium des Projektes Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring (NaTiMon), 14 p
- 18
Lugert V, Teitge F, Klase K, Reiser S, Steinhagen D (2023) Haltung, Transport und Schlachtung Regenbogenforelle: Erhebungsleitfaden. Konsortium des Projektes Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring (NaTiMon), 115 p, DOI:10.3220/MX1681996609000
- 19
Klase K, Teitge F, Steinhagen D, Lugert V, Reiser S (2023) Haltung, Transport und Schlachtung Regenbogenforelle: Methodenhandbuch Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring. Konsortium des Projektes Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring (NaTiMon), 16 p
- 20
Teitge F, Lugert V, Klase K, Steinhagen D, Reiser S, Bergschmidt A (2023) Karpfen, Regenbogenforelle: Modellbericht Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring. Konsortium des Projektes Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring (NaTiMon), 64 p, DOI:10.3220/MX1678805602000
- 21
Salehi H, Reiser S, Focken U (2023) Nutrient digestibility and retention of potential feed ingredients for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss W.) aquaculture in Iran. Aquacult Nutr 2023:8910005, DOI:10.1155/2023/8910005
- 22
Lugert V, Teitge F, Klase K, Steinhagen D, Reiser S (2023) Of reliability, complexity, and perspective: the case of fin condition as a welfare indicator in farmed fish - results from a double-blind study across different stakeholder groups. In: Abstracts: World Aquaculture, May 29 to June 1, 2023, Darwin, Australia.
- 23
Nielsen R, Virtanen J, Guillen J, Barrelet J, Kreiß C, Döring R, Goti-Aralucea L, Stransky C, Avdelas L, Avdic Mravlje E, Brigadeau C, Cozzolino M, Danatskos C, Dennis J, Fernandez Polanco JM, Fernández-González R, Guillaumie B, Guillen J, Ioannou M, Kaatrasalo T, et al (2023) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - economic report on the EU aquaculture (STECF-22-17). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, iv, 316 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep 132648, DOI:10.2760/51391
- 24
Ziegler F, Langeland M, Guillen J, Druon J-N, Barrelet J, Döring R, Goti-Aralucea L, Stransky C, Afonso O, Cozzolino M, Diez-Padrisa M, Edman F, Franco S, Kelling I, Nielsen R, Parker R, Stenwig H, Tlusty M, Bastardie F, Borges L, et al (2023) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Marketing standards: Review of proposed sustainability criteria/indicators for aquaculture (STECF-22-13). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, iii, 44 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep 132139, DOI:10.2760/93710
- 25
Kreiß C, Brüning S, Barrelet J, Focken U, Reiser S (2023) Steckbriefe zur Tierhaltung in Deutschland: Aquakultur. Bremerhaven: Thünen-Institut für Fischereiökologie und Thünen-Institut für Seefischerei, 17 p
- 26
Reiser S, Lugert V, Klase K, Teitge F, Steinhagen D (2023) Vorbereitung zur Durchführung eines nationalen Tierwohl-Monitoring - Ergebnisse im Bereich Aquakultur. Fischerei Fischmarkt MV 20(4):52-57
- 27
Reiser S, Lugert V, Retter K, Teitge F, Steinhagen D (2023) Vorbereitung zur Durchführung eines nationalen Tierwohl-Monitoring - Zwischenstand im Bereich Aquakultur. Fischerei Fischmarkt MV 20(1):46-49
- 28
Hermann C, Dahlke FT, Focken U, Trommsdorff M (2022) Aquavoltaics: dual use of natural and artificial water bodies for aquaculture and solar power generation. In: Gorjian S, Campana PE (eds) Solar energy advancements in agriculture and food production systems. London: Academic Press, pp 211-236
- 29
Reiser S, Cantu Perez E, Meier A (2022) Automated detection of fish activity in recirculating aquaculture systems. Bremerhaven: Thünen Institute of Fisheries Ecology, 2 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2022/16a, DOI:10.3220/PB1649763764000
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Reiser S, Cantu Perez E, Meier A (2022) Automatisierte Erfassung von Fischaktivität in Kreislaufanlagen. Bremerhaven: Thünen-Institut für Fischereiökologie, 2 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2022/16, DOI:10.3220/PB1649763041000
- 31
Salehi H, Reiser S, Focken U (2022) Development of sustainable feeds for rainbow trout based on locally available feed resources in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Bremerhaven: Thünen Institute of Fisheries Ecology, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2022/28a, DOI:10.3220/PB1658749776000
- 32
Salehi H, Reiser S, Focken U (2022) Entwicklung nachhaltiger Futtermittel für Regenbogenforellen aus lokal verfügbaren Futtermittelkomponenten in der Islamischen Republik Iran. Bremerhaven: Thünen-Institut für Fischereiökologie, 1 p, Project Brief Thünen Inst 2022/28, DOI:10.3220/PB1658749491000
- 33
Wedekind H, Arzbach H-H, Breckling P, Fieseler C, Füllner G, Fey D, Gum B, Hartmann U, Kammerad B, Kohlmann K, Kühn C, Müller-Belecke A, Reiser S, Rösch R (2022) Erhaltung und nachhaltige Nutzung aquatischer genetischer Ressourcen : das nationale Fachprogramm in Deutschland [online]. 1. Neuauflage. Bonn: Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL), 87 p, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 10.01.2023]
- 34
Huber L-M, Lasner T (2022) German aquaculture under Covid-19 - impacts of the pandemic on the sector during 2020. Aquatic Liv Res 35(Special Issue):19, DOI:10.1051/alr/2022019
- 35
Lugert V, Teitge F, Retter K, Steinhagen D, Reiser S (2022) Kernthemen des Tierwohls in der Haltung von Forellen und Karpfen. In: Forschung und Dienstleistung für gesunde Fische: 18. Gemeinschaftstagung der Deutschen, Österreichischen und Schweizer Sektion der European Association of Fish Pathologist (EAFP). Hannover: Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover, p 72
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Marinou K, Waley D, Virone A, Aylmer S, Broberg B, Reiser S, Bergersen B, Fyllingen I, Hestetun KM, León P, Manfrin A, Gräns A, Sossidou E, Harris M, Johnstone M, Boyland N, Wojtas K, Norheim K, Schonbrodt A, Feneis B, et al (2022) Leitlinien zu Wasserqualität und Handhabung für das Wohlbefinden von in Aquakultur gehaltenen Knochenfischen : EU-Plattform für den Tierschutz - "Initiativgruppe Fische". Brüssel, 20 p
- 37
Teitge F, Lugert V, Retter K, Reiser S, Steinhagen D (2022) Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring (NaTiMon): Praktikabilität-Validität-Reliabilität - Herausforderungen bei der Indikatorenauswahl. In: Forschung und Dienstleistung für gesunde Fische: 18. Gemeinschaftstagung der Deutschen, Österreichischen und Schweizer Sektion der European Association of Fish Pathologist (EAFP). Hannover: Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover, p 21
- 38
Retter K, Teitge F, Lugert V, Reiser S, Steinhagen D (2022) Tierwohl in Deutschland systematisch erfassen: Projekt „Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring“. In: Forschung und Dienstleistung für gesunde Fische: 18. Gemeinschaftstagung der Deutschen, Österreichischen und Schweizer Sektion der European Association of Fish Pathologist (EAFP). Hannover: Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover, p 71
- 39
Lugert V, Teitge F, Retter K, Steinhagen D, Reiser S (2022) Validierung von Tierwohl-Indikatoren in der Aquakultur. In: Forschung und Dienstleistung für gesunde Fische: 18. Gemeinschaftstagung der Deutschen, Österreichischen und Schweizer Sektion der European Association of Fish Pathologist (EAFP). Hannover: Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover, p 22
- 40
Reiser S, Pohlmann DM, Blancke T, Koops U, Trautner J (2021) Environmental enrichment during early rearing provokes epigenetic changes in the brain of a salmonid fish. Comp Biochem Physiol D Genomics Proteomics 39:100838, DOI:10.1016/j.cbd.2021.100838
- 41
Ende SSW, Larceva E, Bögner M, Lugert V, Slater MJ, Henjes J (2021) Low turbidity in recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) reduces feeding behaviour and increases stress-related physiological parameters in pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) during grow-out. Translational Anim Sci 5(4):txab223, DOI:10.1093/tas/txab223
- 42
Rebelein A, Focken U (2021) Microplastic fiber diet - Fiber-supplemented pellets for small fish. MethodsX 8:101204, DOI:10.1016/j.mex.2020.101204
- 43
Reiser S, Sähn N, Pohlmann DM, Willenberg M, Focken U (2021) Rearing juvenile brown Salmo trutta (L.), and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), in earthen ponds with and without an induced current. J Appl Aquacult 33(1):32-52, DOI:10.1080/10454438.2019.1678545
- 44
Nielsen R, Guillen J, Virtanen J, Lasner T, Döring R, Kraak SBM, Stransky C, Araujo R, Lamprakis A, Avdic Mravlje E, Borges Marques AC, Brogaard M, Cozzolino M, Danatskos C, Davidjuka I, De Peuter S, Delorme A, Dennis J, Ellis T, Fernandez Polanco JM, et al (2021) Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - The EU Aquaculture Sector - Economic report 2020 (STECF-20-12). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 387 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/441510
- 45
Edebohls I, Lasner T, Focken U, Kreiß C, Reiser S (2021) Steckbriefe zur Tierhaltung in Deutschland: Aquakultur [online]. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 24 p, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 08.04.2021]
- 46
Avdelas L, Avdic-Mravlje E, Borges Marques AC, Cano S, Capelle JJ, Carvalho N, Cozzolino M, Dennis J, Ellis T, Fernandez Polanco JM, Guillen J, Lasner T, Le Bihan V, Llorente I, Mol A, Nicheva S, Nielsen R, Oostenbrugge HJ van, Villasante S, Visnic S, et al (2021) The decline of mussel aquaculture in the European Union: causes, economic impacts and opportunities. Reviews Aquacult 13(1):91-118, DOI:10.1111/raq.12465
- 47
Magner R, Schultheiß U, Bielicke M, Frieten D, Heil N, Johns J, Kernberger-Fischer I, Krugmann K, Lugert V, Nyanzi C, Over C, Redantz A, Retter K, Simantke C, Teitge F, Treu H (2021) Tierwohl in der Nutztierhaltung national erfassen. Amtstierärztl Dienst Lebensmittelkontrolle 28(4):228-231
- 48
Lugert V, Retter K, Teitge F, Steinhagen D, Reiser S (2021) Tierwohlindikatoren Aquakultur - Haltung, Transport und Schlachtung. In: Projektkonsortium Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring (NaTiMon) 2021: Literaturdatenbank Tierwohlindikatoren. Darmstadt: Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft
- 49
Magner R, Bielicke M, Frieten D, Gröner C, Heil N, Johns J, Kernberger-Fischer I, Krugmann K, Lugert V, Rauterberg S, Redantz A, Retter K, Simantke C, Teitge F, Treu H, Schultheiß U (2021) Wie steht es um das Tierwohl in der Landwirtschaft? „Nationales Tierwohl-Monitoring“ schafft Grundlagen zur Datenerfassung. Dt Tierärztebl 69(7):804-809
- 50
Lasner T (2020) "Being Typical" - The representative farms method in aquaculture and fisheries. Mediterranean Fish Aquacult Res 3(2):92-100
- 51
Mayrhofer R, Menanteau-Ledouble S, Pucher J, Focken U, El-Matbouli M (2020) Aeromonas spp. suggested as the causative agents of red spot disease in northern Vietnamese grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idella. Dis Aquat Organ 139:113-119, DOI:10.3354/dao03479
- 52
Isermeyer F, Nieberg H, Banse M, Bolte A, Christoph-Schulz IB, Dauber J, Witte T de, Dehler M, Döring R, Elsasser P, Fock HO, Focken U, Freund F, Goti L, Heidecke C, Kempf A, Koch G, Kraus G, Krause A, Kroiher F, Lasner T, Lüdtke J, Olbrich A, Osterburg B, Pelikan J, Probst WN, Rahmann G, Reiser S, Rock J, Röder N, Rüter S, Sanders J, Stelzenmüller V, Zimmermann C (2020) Auswirkungen aktueller Politikstrategien (Green Deal, Farm-to-Fork, Biodiversitätsstrategie 2030; Aktionsprogramm Insektenschutz) auf Land- und Forstwirtschaft sowie Fischerei. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 102 p, Thünen Working Paper 156, DOI:10.3220/WP1600775202000
- 53
Lasner T, Mytlewski A, Nourry M, Rakowski M, Oberle M (2020) Carp land: Economics of fish farms and the impact of region-marketing in the Aischgrund (DEU) and Barycz Valley (POL). Aquaculture 519:734731, DOI:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2019.734731
- 54
Marinou K, Waley D, Virone A, Aylmer S, Broberg B, Reiser S, Bergersen B, Fyllingen I, Hestetun KM, León P, Manfrin A, Gräns A, Sossidou E, Harris M, Johnstone M, Boyland N, Wojtas K, Norheim K, Schonbrodt A, Feneis B, et al (2020) Guidelines on water quality and handling for the welfare of farmed vertebrate fish : EU platform on animal welfare own-initiative group on fish. Brussels, 20 p
- 55
Lugert V, Steinhagen D, Reiser S (2020) Lack of knowledge does not justify a lack of action: the case for animal welfare in farmed fish. Landbauforsch J Sustainable Organic Agric Syst 70(1):31-34, DOI:10.3220/LBF1592499937000
- 56
Becke C, Beeck P, Behrmann-Godel J, Brinker A, Fey D, Focken U, Füllner G, Hanel R, Harder H, Lasner T, Lemcke R, Momme M, Posselt U, Reiser S, Reiter R, Stapel J, Scharsack JP, Schiller T, Schmekel K, Schmidt G, et al (2020) Nationaler Strategieplan Aquakultur NASTAQ 2021 - 2030 für Deutschland. Bonn: Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL), 157 p
- 57
Edebohls I, Lasner T, Reiser S (2020) Steckbrief Aquakultur - ein neues Informationsblatt des Thünen-Instituts. Fischer Teichwirt 71(7):245-247
- 58
Edebohls I, Kreiß C, Focken U, Lasner T, Reiser S (2020) Steckbriefe zur Tierhaltung in Deutschland: Aquakultur. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 23 p
- 59
Chibanda C, Agethen K, Deblitz C, Zimmer Y, Almadani I, Garming H, Rohlmann C, Schütte J, Thobe P, Verhaagh M, Behrendt L, Tudela Staub DF, Lasner T (2020) The typical farm approach and its application by the Agri Benchmark network. Agriculture 10(12):646, DOI:10.3390/agriculture10120646
- 60
Svasand T, Asplin L, Boyd A, Ellis T, Keeley NB, Moberg O, Burgetz I, Engler C, Falconer L, Focken U, Grefsrud ES, Hui L, Jakobsen G, Laksa U, Lock E-J, McKindsey C, Moore A, Morris D, á Nordi G, O'Beirn F, et al (2020) Working Group on Environmental Interactions of Aquaculture (WGEIA). Copenhagen: ICES, 187 p, ICES Sci Rep 2(112), DOI:10.17895/
- 61
Barreto-Curiel F, Focken U, D'Abramo LR, Mata-Sotres J, Viana MT (2019) Assessment of amino acid requirements for Totoaba macdonaldi at different levels of protein using stable isotopes and a non-digestible protein source as a filler. Aquaculture 503:550-561, DOI:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2019.01.038
- 62
Reiser S, Lugert V, Bergschmidt A, Adamek M, Jung-Schroers V, Steinhagen D (2019) Tiergerechtheit in der deutschen Aquakultur: Gütesiegel oder Grund zur Besorgnis? Fischer Teichwirt 70(8):283-284
- 63
Reiser S, Pohlmann DM, Koops U, Gröger JP, Focken U (2019) Using gravel for environmental enrichment in salmonid hatcheries: The effect of gravel size during egg incubation, endogenous and first feeding in rainbow trout. J Appl Ichthyol 35(2):465-472, DOI:10.1111/jai.13884
- 64
Behrens GM, Lasner T, Brinker A, Schumann M (2019) Viability of cork-enriched feed in trout farming - An agri benchmark fish study on innovative aquaculture techniques. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 32 p, Thünen Working Paper 116, DOI:10.3220/WP1545314770000
- 65
Segner H, Reiser S, Ruane N, Rösch R, Steinhagen D, Vehanen T (2019) Welfare of fishes in aquaculture. Budapest: FAO, 9 p, FAO Fish Aquacult Circ 1189
- 66
Kleingeld DW, Moritz J, Reiser S, Steinhagen D, Wedekind H (2018) "Animal Welfare Indicators" Guidelines: with recommendations for the implementation of self-monitoring in accordance with Sec. 11(8) of the German Animal Welfare Act in aquaculture establishments [online]. Rostock: VDFF, 29 p, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 05.11.2018]
- 67
Gehlert G, Griese M, Schlachter M, Schulz C (2018) Analysis and optimisation of dynamic facility ventilation in recirculation aquacultural systems. Aquacult Eng 80:1-10, DOI:10.1016/j.aquaeng.2017.11.003
- 68
Callier MD, Byron CJ, Bengtson DA, Cranford PJ, Cross SF, Focken U, Jansen HM, Kamermans P, Kiessling A, Landry T, O'Beirn F, Petersson E, Rheault RB, Strand O, Sundell K, Svaasand T, Wykfors GH, McKindsey CW (2018) Attraction and repulsion of mobile wild organisms to finfish and shellfish aquaculture: a review. Reviews Aquacult 10(4):924-949, DOI:10.1111/raq.12208
- 69
Nielsen R, Carvalho N, Guillen J, Araujo R, Avdelas L, Avdic Mravlje E, Borges Marques AC, Cano S, Carpenter G, Cozzolino M, Danatskos C, Davidjuka I, Dennis J, Ellis T, Fernandez Polanco JM, Herring J, Kazlauskas E, Lasner T, Döring R, Stransky C, et al (2018) Economic report of the EU aquaculture sector (STECF-18-19). Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 416 p, JRC Sci Pol Rep, DOI:10.2760/45076
- 70
Krome C, Schuele F, Jauncey K, Focken U (2018) Influence of a sodium formate / formic acid mixture on growth of juvenile common carp (Cyprinus carpio) fed different fishmeal replacement levels of detoxified Jatropha curcas kernel meal in practical, mixed diets. J Appl Aquacult 30(2):137-156, DOI:10.1080/10454438.2017.1412845
- 71
Behrens G, Brinker A, Schumann M, Lasner T (2018) Korkfutter in der Forellenmast. Eine umweltschonende und wirtschaftliche Alternative? Auf Auf(2):16-23
- 72
Sähn N, Pohlmann DM, Willenberg M, Reiser S (2018) Naturnahe Gestaltung der Haltungsumgebung in der Aufzucht juveniler Salmoniden zur Erzeugung leistungsstarker und robuster Setzlinge für die heimische Aquakultur: Projektabschlussbericht FKZ: 2813MDT902 Berichtszeitraum: 01.10.2014-31.07.2017. Hamburg: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 27 p
- 73
Krome C, Jauncey K, Lohaus G, Focken U (2018) Phytate analysis and phytase application in Jatropha curcas kernel meal for use in aquaculture feeds. AACL Bioflux 11(3):690-700
- 74
Kusche H, Hillgruber N, Rößner Y, Focken U (2018) The effect of different fish feed compositions on delta13C and δ15N signatures of sea bass and its potential value for tracking mariculture-derived nutrients. Isotopes Environ Health Stud 54(1):28-40, DOI:10.1080/10256016.2017.1361419
- 75
Lasner T (2018) Umfrage zur Wirtschaftlichkeit der deutschen Fischzucht - Was soll das? Fischbauer 6(47):2-4
- 76
Barreto-Curiel F, Focken U, D'Abramo LR, Cuarón JA, Viana MT (2018) Use of isotopic enrichment to assess the relationship among dietary protein levels, growth and nitrogen retention in juvenile Totoaba macdonaldi. Aquaculture 495:794-802, DOI:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2018.06.001
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Kleingeld DW, Geldhauser F, Moritz J, Reiser S, Steinhagen D, Wedekind H, Welzel A (2017) Erhebung und Bewertung von Tierschutzindikatoren in der Aquakultur. Fischer Teichwirt 68(5):164-166
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Kleingeld DW, Moritz J, Reiser S, Steinhagen D, Wedekind H, Welzel A (2017) Erhebung und Bewertung von Tierschutzindikatoren in der Aquakultur. Rundschau Fleischhygiene Lebensmittelüberwachung(4):112-115
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Lasner T, Brinker A, Nielsen R, Rad F (2017) Establishing a benchmarking for fish farming - Profitability, productivity and energy efficiency of German, Danish and Turkish rainbow trout grow-out systems. Aquacult Res 48(6):3134-3148, DOI:10.1111/are.13144
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Mayrhofer R, Menanteau-Ledouble S, Pucher J, Focken U, El-Matbouli M (2017) Leaves from banana (Musa nana) and maize (Zea mays) have no phyto-prophylactic effects on the susceptibility of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) to Aeromonas hydrophila infection. BMC Vet Res 13:329, DOI:10.1186/s12917-017-1255-5
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Wysujack K, Drahotta A (2017) Low effect of different feeding regimes on growth and feed conversion efficiency of juvenile Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis). Aquacult Res 48(9):5166-5170, DOI:10.1111/are.13226
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Barreto-Curiel F, Focken U, D'Abramo LR, Viana MT (2017) Metabolism of Seriola lalandi during starvation as revealed by fatty acid analysis and compound-specific analysis of stable isotopes within amino acids. PLoS One 12(1):e0170124, DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0170124
- 84
Kusche H, Hillgruber N, Rößner Y, Focken U (2017) Plant protein-based feeds and commercial feed enable isotopic tracking of aquaculture emissions into marine macrozoobenthic bioindicator species. Isotopes Environ Health Stud 53(3):261-273, DOI:10.1080/10256016.2016.1267166
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Pucher J, Focken U (2017) Uptake of nitrogen from natural food into fish in differently managed polyculture ponds using 15N as tracer. Aquaculture Int 25(1):87-105, DOI:10.1007/s10499-016-0015-z
- 87
Sähn N, Reiser S, Hanel R, Focken U (2017) Verfügbarkeit umweltrelevanter Daten zur deutschen Süßwasseraquakultur. Braunschweig: Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 82 p, Thünen Rep 47, DOI:10.3220/REP1490946376000
- 88
Focken U (2016) Drei Fragen an ... : Prof.Dr. Ulfert Focken. Forschungsfelder(4):22
- 89
Nguyen NT, Pucher J, Becker K, Focken U (2016) Earthworm powder as an alternative protein source in diets for common carp (Cyprinus carpioL.). Aquacult Res 47(9):2917-2927, DOI:10.1111/are.12743
- 90
Krome C, Focken U (2016) Effects of earthworm, Perionyx excavatus meal in practical diets on growth and body composition of common carp, Cyprinus carpio. AACL Bioflux 9(2):340-344
- 91
Pucher J, Mayrhofer R, El-Matbouli M, Focken U (2016) Effects of modified pond management on limnological parameters in small-scale aquaculture ponds in mountainous Northern Vietnam. Aquacult Res 47(1):56-70, DOI:10.1111/are.12465
- 92
Breitenbach J, Nogueira Marilise, Farrè G, Zhu C, Capell T, Christou P, Fleck G, Focken U, Fraser PD, Sandmann G (2016) Engineered maize as a source of astaxanthin: processing and application as fish feed. Transgenic Res 25(6):785-793, DOI:10.1007/s11248-016-9971-3
- 93
Mayrhofer R, Pucher J, Saleh M, Menanteau-Ledouble S, Bergmann S, Focken U, El-Matbouli M (2016) First detection of Cyprinid Herpesvirus 3 in cultured common carp in Vietnam. Fish Pathol 51(1):28-31, DOI:10.3147/jsfp.51.28
- 94
Krome C, Jauncey K, Focken U (2016) Jatropha curcas kernel meal as a replacement for fishmeal in practical Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus feeds. AACL Bioflux 9(3):590-596
- 95
Kleingeld DW, Moritz J, Reiser S, Steinhagen D, Wedekind H (2016) Leitfaden "Tierschutzindikatoren" : mit Empfehlungen für die Durchführung betrieblicher Eigenkontrollen gemäß §11 Absatz 8 des Tierschutzgesetzes in Aquakulturbetrieben [online]. Rostock: Verband Deutscher Fischereiverwaltungsbeamter, 29 p, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 05.07.2016]
- 96
Lasner T, Brinker A (2016) Mit Fischen Geld verdienen? DLG Mitt 131(4):78-80
- 97
Marohn L, Hanel R (2016) Untersuchungen zur Aalvermehrung am Thünen-Institut. Fischer Teichwirt 67(12):444-445
- 98
Focken U, Krome C, Jauncey K (2015) Do oxalates from plant-based aquafeeds impede growth of common carp Cyprinus carpio? In: University of Belgrade, Serbia / Faculty of Agriculture (eds) VII International Conference Water & Fish : Conference Proceedings ; June 10-12, 2015. Belgrade: University of Belgrade, Serbia / Faculty of Agriculture, pp 49-55
- 99
Hauber M, Lasner T, Blumschein A (2015) Forellen. In: Faustzahlen für den Ökologischen Landbau. Darmstadt: KTBL, pp 629-637
- 100
Lasner T (2015) Forellenzucht in Deutschland : haben lokale Betriebe im internationalen Vergleich eine langfristige Perspektive? Forschungsreport Ernähr Landwirtsch Verbrauchersch(1):24-27
- 101
Pucher J, Hölzle L, Thomas A, Focken U, Schlechtriem C, Feucht Y, Schumann M, Váradi L, et al (2015) Freshwater aquaculture in central and eastern Europe: Needs for research and development. In: University of Belgrade, Serbia / Faculty of Agriculture (eds) VII International Conference Water & Fish : Conference Proceedings ; June 10-12, 2015. Belgrade: University of Belgrade, Serbia / Faculty of Agriculture, pp 18-22
- 102
Lasner T, Klämt G (2015) Woran hakt es in Deutschland? Panorama: Aquakultur. DLG Mitt(10):68-71
- 103
Pucher J, Mayrhofer R, El-Matbouli M, Focken U (2014) 15N tracer application to evaluate nitrogen dynamics of food webs in two subtropical small-scale aquaculture ponds under different managements. Isotopes Environ Health Stud:in Press, DOI:10.1080/10256016.2014.922963
- 104
Pucher J, Nikolaevskaya E, Focken U (2014) Apparent digestibility of earthworm meal in plant-based feeds for Nile Tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.). In: Tielkes E (ed) Tropentag 2014 : Bridging the gap between the increasing knowledge and decreasing resources ; Book of abstracts ; Wednesday - Friday, Sept. 17-19, 2014 Czech University of Life Sciences Prague. Prague: Czech University of Life Sciences, p 158
- 105
Krome C, Jauncey K, Focken U (2014) Development of aquafeeds for tilapia and carp using detoxified Jatropha carcas meal as protein source. In: Tielkes E (ed) Tropentag 2014 : Bridging the gap between the increasing knowledge and decreasing resources ; Book of abstracts ; Wednesday - Friday, Sept. 17-19, 2014 Czech University of Life Sciences Prague. Prague: Czech University of Life Sciences, p 163
- 106
Pucher J, Nguyen NT, Trinh THY, Mayrhofer R, El-Matbouli M, Focken U (2014) Earthworm meal as fishmeal replacement in plant based feeds for Common Carp in semi-intensive aquaculture in rural northern Vietnam. Turk J Fish & Aquat Sci 14:557-565, DOI:10.4194/1303-2712-v14_2_27
- 107
Krome C, Jauncey K, Fedderke S, Focken U (2014) Effect of replacing different levels on dietary fishmeal with Jatropha carcas kernel meal on the development of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758). J Appl Ichthyol 30:507-512, DOI:10.1111/jai.12414
- 108
Lasner T, Hamm U (2014) Exploring ecopreneurship in the Blue Growth: a grounded theory approach [online]. Ann Marine Sociol 23:4-20, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 24.04.2015]
- 109
Weller N, Lasner T (2014) Mit Bruchkorn Öko-Karpfen bedarfsgerecht füttern. Naturland Nachr(3):41-42
- 110
Pucher J, Gut T, Mayrhofer R, El-Matbouli M, Viet PH, Ngoc NT, Lamers M, Streck T, Focken U (2014) Pesticide-contaminated feeds in integrated grass carp aquaculture: toxicology and bioaccumulation. Dis Aquat Organ 108:137-147, doi:10.3354/dao02710
- 111
Pucher J, Mayrhofer R, El-Matbouli M, Focken U (2014) Pond management strategies for small-scale aquaculture in northern Vietnam: fish production and economic performance. Aquaculture Int 23(1):297-314, DOI:10.1007/s10499-014-9816-0
- 112
Krome C, Jauncey K, Focken U (2014) Testing two different phytases in Jatrophas carcas kernel meal based diets for Nile tilapia, Oreochromis nilticus. Israeli J Aquacult(Spec. Iss.):1-11
- 113
Pucher J, Mayrhofer R, El-Matbouli M, Focken U (2013) 15N tracer application to evaluate nitrogen dynamics of food webs in two subtropical small scale aquaculture ponds under different managements. In: Book of abstracts / Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Stabile Isotope (ASI), 30.09.-02.10.2013, Braunschweig.
- 114
Mamun SM, Focken U, Becker K (2013) A respirometer system to measure critical and recovery oxygen tensions of fish under simulated diurnal fluctuations in dissolved oxygen. Aquaculture Int 21(1):31-44, DOI:10.1007/s10499-012-9529-1
- 115
Krome C, Jauncey K, Focken U (2013) Comparison of photometric methods for determination of phytate in Jatropha carcass kernel meal (JKM). Proc Soc Nutr Physiol 22:62
- 116
Stadtlander T, Levavi Sivan B, Kerem Z, Dweik H, Qutob M, Abu-Lafi S, Francis G, Focken U (2013) Effects of a saponin fraction extracted from Trigonella foenum-graecum L. and two commercially available saponins on sex ratio and gonad histology of Nile tilapa fry, Oreochromis niloticus (L.). J Appl Ichthyol 29(1):265-267, DOI:10.1111/jai.12002
- 117
Stadtlander T, Khalil WKB, Focken U, Becker K (2013) Effects of low and medium levels of red alga Nori (Porphyra yezoensis Ueda) in the diets on growth, feed utilization and metabolism in intensively fed Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.). Aquacult Nutr 19(1):64-73, DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2095.2012.00940.x
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Volff JN, Selz Y, Hoffmann C, Froschauer A, Schultheis C, Schmidt C, Zhou Q, Bernhardt W, Hanel R, Böhne A, Brunet F, Ségurens B, Couloux A, Bernard-Samain S, Barbe V, Ozouf Costaz C, Galiana D, Lohse MJ, Schartl M (2013) Gene amplification and functional diversification of Melanocortin 4 receptor at an extremely polymorphic locus controlling sexual maturation in the platyfish. Genetics 195(4):1337-1352, doi:10.1534/genetics.113.155952
- 119
Pucher J, Steinbronn S, Mayrhofer R, Schad I, El-Matbouli M, Focken U (2013) Improved sustainable aquaculture systems for small-scale farmers in Northern Vietnam. In: Fröhlich HL, Schreinemachers P, Stahr K, Clemens G (eds) Sustainable land use and rural development in Southeast Asia: innovations and policies for mountainous areas. New York; Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer, pp 281-317
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Pucher J, Steinbronn S, Nguyen NT, Dongmeza E, Mayrhofer R, El-Matbouli M, Focken U (2013) Improved Sustainable Aquaculture Systems for Small-Scale Farmers in Northern Vietnam. In: Book of abstracts / Aquaculture 2013, Nov. 3-7, 2013, Las Palmas de GC, Spanien.
- 121
Gaye-Siessegger J, Mamun SM, Brinker A, Focken U (2013) Improving estimates of trophic (Delta-trophic) for diet reconstruction studies using enzyme activities. Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol 164(4):579-583, DOI:10.1016/j.cbpa.2013.01.003
- 122
Pucher J, Focken U (2013) Intensification of common carp culture in rural areas of Northern Vietnam by plant-based feeds with protein sources of different qualities. In: Conference Proceedings : VI International Conference "Water & Fish ; Belgrade, Serbia ; 12-14 June 2013. Belgrade: Univ, pp 44-49
- 123
Lawrence P, Weinreich O, Stadtlander T, Focken U, Levavi Sivan B, Dweik H, Qutob M, Abu-Lafi S, Kerem Z, Becker K (2013) Oxygen consumption of tilapia eggs/larvae up to 12.25 days after ferilisation. In: Proceedings / 10th International Symposium on Tilapia in Agriculture : Oct 6-10,2013, Jerusalem, Israel. pp 158-159
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Schröder JP, Klatt SF, Reiser S, Würtz S, Hanel R, Schulz C (2013) Ozonation in marine RAS: Effects of residual oxidants on fish health and biofilter performance. DTU Aqua Rep 267-13: 38
- 125
Stadtlander T, Levavi Sivan B, Kerem Z, Qutob M, Abu-Lafi S, Dweik H, Weinreich O, Lawrence P, Focken U, Becker K (2013) Saponin fractions from fenugreek, Trigonella foenum graecum L. and the soap bark tree, Quillaja saponaria L., as dietary additives for Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.). In: Proceedings / 10th International Symposium on Tilapia in Agriculture : Oct 6-10,2013, Jerusalem, Israel. pp 1-13
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Krome C, Jauncey K, Focken U (2013) Testing two different phytases in a Jatrophas curcas kernel meal based diet for Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. In: Proceedings / 10th International Symposium on Tilapia in Agriculture : Oct 6-10,2013, Jerusalem, Israel. pp 1-10
- 127
Slawski H, Nagel F, Wysujack K, Balke DT, Franz P, Schulz C (2013) Total fish meal replacement with canola protein isolate in diets fed to rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss W.). Aquacult Nutr 19(4):535-542, DOI:10.1111/anu.12005
- 128
Lasner T (2013) Towards a sustainable aquaculture: the innovations-decision-process of ecopreneurs. In: Moberg M, Puckett A, Wallace T (eds) Natural Resource Distribution and Development in the 21st Century : The Society for Applied Anthropology (SfAA), 73rd Annual Meeting, Proceedings, March 19-23, 2013; Denver (CO). Denver, p 109
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Nagel F, Slawski H, Adem H, Tressel R-P, Wysujack K, Schulz C (2012) Albumin and globulin rapeseed protein fractions as fish meal alternative in diets fed to rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss W.). Aquaculture 354-355:121-127, DOI:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2012.03.024
- 130
Pucher J, Nguyen NT, Trinh THY, Mayrhofer R, El-Matbouli M, Focken U (2012) Earthworm meal as alternative animal protein source for full and supplemental feeds for common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). In: International Conference "Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development in Mountain Areas" : Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany, 16-18 April 2012. pp 167-168
- 131
Nguyen NT, Focken U (2012) Earthworms as a potential source of animal protein for aquafeeds for common carp. Proc Soc Nutr Physiol(21):167
- 132
Schober Gonçalves Lima J, Ccopa Rivera E, Focken U (2012) Emergy evaluation of organic and conventional marine shrimp farms in Guaraíra Lagoon, Brazil. J Cleaner Prod 35:194-202, DOI:10.1016/j.jclepro.2012.05.009
- 133
Pucher J, Nguyen NT, Yen TTH, Mayrhofer R, El-Matbouli M, Focken U (2012) Feeding fish without fishmeal: earthworm meal as alternative animal protein source in rural areas. In: Tropentag 2012 : Resilience of agricultural systems against crises. Göttingen: Cuvillier, p 75
- 134
Mayrhofer R, Soliman H, Pucher J, Focken U, El-Matbouli M (2012) Grass-carp mortality in northern Vietnam. In: International Conference "Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development in Mountain Areas" : Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany, 16-18 April 2012. pp 169-170
- 135
Krome C, Jauncey K, Focken U (2012) Jatropha curcas Kernel Meal as a protein source in aquaculture diets. In: Tropentag 2012 : Resilience of agricultural systems against crises. Göttingen: Cuvillier, p 1
- 136
Pucher J, Gut T, Mayrhofer R, Lamers M, Streck T, El-Matbouli M, Focken U (2012) Pesticides on feed material for grass carp: toxicology and accumulation in fish. In: International Conference "Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development in Mountain Areas" : Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany, 16-18 April 2012. pp 121-122
- 137
Müller JL, Pucher J, Tran TNT, Focken U, Kreuzer M (2012) The potential of vermiculture to produce on-farm feed resources for aquaculture in mountainous areas in North Vietnam. In: International Conference "Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development in Mountain Areas" : Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany, 16-18 April 2012. pp 113-114
- 138
Slawski H, Adem H, Tressel R-P, Wysujack K, Koops U, Kotzamanis YP, Würtz S, Schulz C (2012) Total fish meal replacement with rapeseed protein concentrate in diets fed to rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss Walbaum). Aquaculture Int 20(3):443-453, DOI:10.1007/s10499-011-9476-2
- 139
Focken U, Dongmeza E, El-Matbouli M, Mayrhofer R, Pucher J, Steinbronn S, Nguyen NT (2012) Upland aquaculture in Yen Chau district (Son La Province, Northern Vietnam): status, limitations and possible innovations for sustainable development. In: International Conference "Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development in Mountain Areas" : Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany, 16-18 April 2012. pp 171-172
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Schröder JP, Reiser S, Croot PL, Hanel R (2011) A comparative study on the removability of different ozone-produced oxidants by activated carbon filtration. Ozone Sci Eng 33(3):224-231, DOI:10.1080/01919512.2011.554277
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Slawski H, Adem H, Tressel R-P, Wysujack K, Kotzamanis YP, Schulz C (2011) Austausch von Fischmehl durch Rapsproteinkonzentrat in Futtermitteln für Steinbutt (Psetta maxima L.). Züchtungskunde 83(6):451-460
- 142
Stadtlander T, Khalil WKB, Levavi Sivan B, Dweik H, Qutob M, Abu-Lafi S, Kerem Z, Focken U, Becker K (2011) Effects of saponin fractions from Trigonella foenum-graecum and Balanites aegyptiaca on gene expression of GH, IGF-1 and their respective receptors, growth, nutrient utilization, body composition, oxygen consumption and plasma IGF-1 in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus, L.). In: Liu L, Fitzsimmons K (eds) Better science, better fish, better life : Proceedings of the ninth International Symposium on Tilapia in Aquaculture. Washington, DC: USAID, pp 245-259
- 143
Acharya L, Pucher J, Schad I, Focken U, Hoffmann V (2011) Intensifying fish pond business: an interdisciplinary innovation study on information needs of black Thai farmers in Chieng Khoi Commune, Vietnam. In: Becker M (ed) Development on the margin : book of abstracts ; [October 5 - 7, 2011, University of Bonn] / Tropentag 2011, international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development. Göttingen: Cuvillier, p 1
- 144
Pucher J, Mayrhofer R, El-Matbouli M, Focken U (2011) Interaction of natural food and supplemental feeding for common carp in semi-intensively managed ponds in the marginal uplands of Son La Province, Northern Vietnam. In: Becker M (ed) Development on the margin : book of abstracts ; [October 5 - 7, 2011, University of Bonn] / Tropentag 2011, international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development. Göttingen: Cuvillier, p 1 p
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Slawski H, Adem H, Tressel R-P, Wysujack K, Koops U, Wuerts S, Schulz C (2011) Replacement of fish meal with rapeseed protein concentrate in diets fed to wels catfish (Silurus glanis L.). Aquacult Nutr 17(6):605-612, DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2095.2011.00857.x
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Slawski H, Adem H, Tressel R-P, Wysujack K, Koops U, Schulz C (2011) Replacement of Fishmeal by Rapeseed Protein Concentrate in Diets for Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio L.). Israeli J Aquacult 63(605):1-6
- 147
Lorenz DM, Focken U (2011) Response of common carp and tilapia to diets based on plant protein supplemented with essential amino acids. In: Markovic Z (ed) V International Conference "Aquaculture & Fishery" : Conference Proceedings. Beograd: Faculty of Agriculture, pp 72-79
- 148
Reiser S, Würtz S, Schröder JP, Kloas W, Hanel R (2011) Risks of seawater ozonation in recirculation aquaculture – Effects of oxidative stress on animal welfare of juvenile turbot (Psetta maxima L.). Aquatic Toxicol 105(3-4):508-517, DOI:10.1016/j.aquatox.2011.08.004
- 149
Harter T, Buhrke F, Kumar V, Focken U, Makkar HPS, Becker K (2011) Substitution of fish meal by Jatropha curcas kernel meal: Effects on growth performance and body composition of white leg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). Aquacult Nutr 17(5):542-548, DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2095.2010.00845.x
- 150
Gaye-Siessegger J, McCullagh JS, Focken U (2011) The effect of dietary amino acid abundance and isotopic composition on the growth rate, metabolism and tissue ð13C of rainbow trout. Brit J Nutr 105(12):1764-1771, DOI:10.1017/S0007114510005696
- 151
Harter T, Buhrke F, Kumar V, Focken U, Makkar HPS, Becker K (2010) Detoxified jatropha curcas kernel meal as a protein source for White Leg Shrimp (Penaeus vannamei) diet. In: Tielkes E (ed) World food system - a contribution from Europe : book of abstracts. Göttingen: Cuvillier, p 460
- 152
Stadtlander T, Levavi Sivan B, Dweik H, Qutob M, Abu-Lafi S, Kerem Z, Francis G, Focken U, Becker K (2010) Effect of a saponin fraction extracted from Trigonella foenum-graecum L.and two commercially available Saponins on sex ratio and gonad histology of Nile Tilapa (Oreochromis niloticus, L.) Fry. In: Tielkes E (ed) World food system - a contribution from Europe : book of abstracts. Göttingen: Cuvillier, pp 465-466
- 153
Lorenz DM, Focken U, Becker K (2010) Effects of interval feeding on common carp. In: Proceedings / Aquaculture Europe 2010. pp 738-739
- 154
Pucher J, Mayrhofer R, Hung TQ, El-Matbouli M, Focken U (2010) Growth functions of fish species cultured in small scale upland aquaculture systems under traditional and modified pond management schemes in Yen Chau, Northern Viet Nam. In: Tielkes E (ed) World food system - a contribution from Europe : book of abstracts. Göttingen: Cuvillier, p 463
- 155
Reiser S, Schröder JP, Würtz S, Kloas W, Hanel R (2010) Histological and physiological alterations in juvenile turbot (Psetta maxima, L.) exposed to sublethal concentrations of ozone-produced oxidants in ozonated seawater. Aquaculture 307(1-2):157-164, DOI:10.1016/j.aquaculture.2010.07.007
- 156
Pucher J, Mayrhofer R, El-Matbouli M, Focken U (2010) Improvements in pond management and application of low-cost fish feed increase fish production and raise the benefit of small scale aquaculture systems in Yen Chau. In: International symposium Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development in Mountainous Regions of Southeast Asia, Hanoi, 21-23 July 2010 : program and abstracts. pp 25-26
- 157
Dongmeza E, Francis G, Steinbronn S, Focken U, Becker K (2010) Investigations on the digestibility and metabolizability of the major nutrients and energy of maize leaves and barnyard grass in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella). Aquacult Nutr 16(3):313-326, DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2095.2009.00667.x
- 158
Mayrhofer R, Soliman H, Saleh M, Pucher J, Focken U, Trang T, El-Matbouli M (2010) Preliminary results on the cause of grass-carp disease outbreak in Yen Chau, Son La Province, Vietnam. In: International symposium Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development in Mountainous Regions of Southeast Asia, Hanoi, 21-23 July 2010 : program and abstracts. pp 103-104
- 159
McCullagh JS, Gaye-Siessegger J, Focken U (2010) Studies on amino acid metabolism in rainbow trout: effect of dietary amino acid composition on growth performance and Omega13 C of amino acids. EAAP Sci Ser 127:143-144
- 160
Steinbronn S, Nguyen NT, Dongmeza E, Focken U (2010) Upland aquaculture in Yen Chau District (Son La province, Northern Vietnam): Role of aquaculture in nutrient flows and livelihoods of local people. In: International symposium Sustainable Land Use and Rural Development in Mountainous Regions of Southeast Asia, Hanoi, 21-23 July 2010 : program and abstracts. p 24