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© Andreas Bolte
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Institute of

WO Forest Ecosystems

Dr. Thomas Riedel

Institute of Forest Ecosystems

Alfred-Möller-Straße 1, Haus 41/42
16225 Eberswalde
+49 3334 3820 315
+49 3334 3820 354

Head of working group Inventory (Forest resources and climate protection), contact person National Forest Inventory

Fields of Expertise

German National Forest Inventory

  • Evaluation and Inventory Design
  • Inventory Statistics and Optimization

Carbon Inventory 2017


Greenhouse Gas reporting for German forests

  • Uncertainty assessment
  • Biomass estimation
  • Lland use matrices, LULUCF

Biometrics and Statistics

  • Programming up-scaling procedures and evaluation tools for inventories (PostgreSQL, R)
  • Quantifying error sources, development of error budgets and estimating uncertainties

Curriculum Vitae

Since 2010: Scientist at the Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute for Forest Ecosystems:

  • Carbon Inventory 2017 (CI 2017): Coordination
  • German national Forest Inventory: Responsible for the evaluation methods and the inventory design and their further enhancement
  • Greenhouse Gas Monitoring: Responsible in the forest sector for biomass estimations and their change based on the German NFI, compiling the error budget, development of the land use matrices as basis for activity data under the regulations of the Kyoto protocol and the Convention on Climate Change
  • Development and implementation of enhanced evaluation methods using additional data or information sources in the scope of the German NFI and the GHG reporting
  • Collaboration in European projects related to harmonisation of National Forest Inventories (NFI)

2008-09-29:Ph.D. in "Evaluation of alternative sampling strategies for the German National Forest Inventory"

2007 - 2010: Scientist at the Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute, Institute for Worldforestry in the project: „Uncertainties (THG - QA, QC and Uncertainty assessments for optimising estimation methods for the GHG-Monitoring)“:

  • Analysing different conversion methods to evaluate their influence on the error budget
  • Testing and implementation of different evaluation methods for the German NFI (Stratified sampling, Double Sampling, Two-phase sampling) to minimize the error budget
  • Compiling the error budget for quantification of CO2-sinks or sources in the forest sector for GHG reporting under the Kyoto-protocol and the Convention on Climate Change

2005 - 2007: Scientific researcher and PhD cand. at the Section of World Forestry (University of Hamburg) in the following projects:

  • “BZE-Project – Development of a statistical design for the second forest soil condition survey in Germany (BZE 2)” (carried out with the financial support from the BMELV)
  • „Pilot study on harmonising National Forest Inventories in Europe” (EC JRC 382242 F1SC, 2007-2008, Uni Hamburg)
  • “CarboInvent-Project – Multi-Source Inventory Methods for Quantifying Carbon Stocks and Stock Changes in European Forests” (carried out with the financial support from the EU)
  • “Green Oak Roller Moth -Project – Genetic Variation of the Green Oak Roller Moth and his host plant – an article for the relationship of host and parasite” (carried out with the financial support from the DFG)

2002 - 2005: Junior scientist at the Chair of Forest Biometrics and Computer Sciences (TU Dresden) in the project: „WEI-BWI-Project – Enhancement of the German National Forest Inventory through integration of remote sensing“ (carried out with the financial support from the DLR)

1996 - 2002: Studies of Forestry Science at Dresden University of Technology (TU), Tharandt, Germany

  • Specialisation: „Analysing and evaluation of ecosystems“
  • Diploma thesis at the Chair of Forest Biometrics and Computer Sciences (TU Dresden) and at Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL); Topic: “Optimising Cluster Sampling Inventories using the Model of Anticipated Variance”

2000 - 2001: Studies of Forestry Science at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH), Zurich, Switzerland, spacialisation in forest inventory, forest management and silviculture of mountain forests


  1. 0

    Stümer W, Dunger K, Riedel T, Ziche D, Grüneberg E, Wellbrock N, Oehmichen K, Adam S, Niebuhr J (2024) Chapter 6.4: Forest land (4.A) [online]. Climate Change 39/2024:616-661, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 23.01.2025]

  2. 1

    Schmitz N, Bolte A, Iost S, Jochem D, Riedel T, Rüter S, Weimar H, Lüdtke J (2024) Charta für Holz 2.0 : Kennzahlenbericht 2022/2023 Forst & Holz. Gülzow: Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe, 58 p

  3. 2

    Riedel T, Bender S, Hennig P, Kroiher F, Schnell S, Schwitzgebel F, Stauber T, Stahlmann JK, Kühling M (2024) Der Wald in Deutschland : Ausgewählte Ergebnisse der vierten Bundeswaldinventur. Bonn: BMEL, 58 p

  4. 3

    Oehmichen K, Langner N, Henning L, Ackermann A, Adler P, Backa J, Beckschäfer P, Dasser G, Deutscher J, Eisnecker P, Fleckenstein S, Franz K, Ginzler C, Hoffmann K, Puhm M, Reinosch E, Riedel T, Rüetschi M, Schicketanz D, Seintsch B, et al (2024) Fernerkundungsbasiertes Nationales Erfassungssystem Waldschäden (FNEWs): Schlussbericht zum Vorhaben; Laufzeit: 01.05.2020 bis 31.12.2023. Eberswalde: Thünen-Institut für Waldökosysteme, VIII, 96 p, DOI:10.2314/KXP:1909560146

  5. 4

    Gschwantner T, Riedel T, Henning L, Adame P, Adolt R, Aguirre A, Alberdi I, Avitabile V, Cañellas I, Di Cosmo L, Fischer C, Freudenschuß A, Gasparini P, Henttonen HM, Korhonen KT, Kucera M, Marin G, Máslo J, Mionskowski M, Morneau F, et al (2024) Improved large-area forest increment information in Europe through harmonisation of National Forest Inventories. Forest Ecol Manag 562:121913, DOI:10.1016/j.foreco.2024.121913

  6. 5

    Stümer W, Dunger K, Riedel T, Ziche D, Grüneberg E, Wellbrock N, Oehmichen K, Adam S, Niebuhr J (2024) Kapitel 6.4: Wälder (4.A) [online]. Climate Change 38/2024:610-654, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 23.01.2025]

  7. 6

    Mehtätalo L, Räty M, Alberdi I, Chirici G, Adolt R, Behrens M, Riedel T, Wellbrock N, Knapp N, Orfanidou T, Verkerk PJ, Breidenbach J, Fisher C, Temperli C, Nabuurs GJ, Valbuena R, Schadauer K, Gschwantner T, Packalen P, Bastrup-Birk A, et al (2024) MoniFun - Co-creating a blueprint of a harmonised European Forest Multifunctionality Monitoring System. In: Forests & society towards 2050 : 26th IUFRO World Congress, Stockholm, Sweden, 23-29 June 2024 ; Book of abstracts. pp 3843-3844

  8. 7

    Oehmichen K, Langner N, Riedel T, Blickensdörfer L (2024) Nutzung von Fernerkundungsprodukten des SKD für die Bundeswaldinventur. In: Copernicus wirkt. Nationales Forum für Fernerkundung und Copernicus, 19.03.-21.03.2024 : Ergebnisbericht. p 38

  9. 8

    Päivinen R, Astrup R, Birdsey RA, Breidenbach J, Fridman J, Kangas A, Kauppi PE, Köhl M, Korhonen KT, Johannsen VK, Morneau F, Riedel T, Schadauer K, Wernick IK (2023) Ensure forest-data integrity for climate change studies. Nat Clim Change 13(6):495-496, DOI:10.1038/s41558-023-01683-8

  10. 9

    Stümer W, Dunger K, Riedel T, Ziche D, Grüneberg E, Wellbrock N, Oehmichen K, Adam S, Döring U (2023) Kapitel 6.4: Wälder (4.A). Climate Change 2023/28:610-651

  11. 10

    Langner N, Oehmichen K, Henning L, Blickensdörfer L, Riedel T (2022) Bestockte Holzbodenkarte 2018 [Datenpublikation] [online]. Braunschweig: Thünen-Atlas, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 19.12.2023], DOI:10.3220/DATA20221205151218

  12. 11

    Stümer W, Dunger K, Riedel T, Ziche D, Grüneberg E, Wellbrock N, Oehmichen K, Adam S, Döring U (2022) Chapter 6.4: Forest Land (4.A). Climate Change 2022/25:610-649

  13. 12

    Bolte A, Knapp N, Oehmichen K, Riedel T, Sanders TGM, Schnell S, Wellbrock N (2022) Digitalisierung im nationalen Waldmonitoring. AFZ Der Wald 77(5):44-46

  14. 13

    Gschwantner T, Alberdi I, Bauwens S, Bender S, Borota D, Bosela M, Bouriaud O, Breidenbach J, Donis J, Fischer C, Gasparini P, Heffernan L, Herve J-C, Kolozs L, Korhonen KT, Koutsias N, Kovacsevics P, Kucera M, Kulbokas G, Riedel T, et al (2022) Growing stock monitoring by European National Forest Inventories: Historical origins, current methods and harmonisation. Forest Ecol Manag 505:119868, DOI:10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119868

  15. 14

    Baumgarten C, Emde F, Hintermeier K, Hübsch L, Krüger A, Lietzow A, Lindenmaier A, Maier H-P, Mehlig B, Meyer L, Papenroth L, Rathing F, Richter V, Stupak N, Wagner B, Waldner H-M, von Wulffen H-U, Wöbse S, Ziese M, Riedel T, et al (2022) Umgang mit Zielkonflikten bei der Anpassung der Wasserwirtschaft an den Klimawandel : Bericht Klimawandel [online]. Berlin: LAWA, ii, 91 p, zu finden in <> [zitiert am 10.01.2023]

  16. 15

    Stümer W, Dunger K, Riedel T, Ziche D, Grüneberg E, Wellbrock N, Oehmichen K, Adam S, Döring U (2021) Chapter 6.4: Forest Land (4.A). Climate Change 2021/44:596-636

  17. 16

    Alberdi I, Bender S, Riedel T, Avitable V, Bouriaud O, Bosela M, Camia A, Cañellas I, Castro Rego F, Fischer C, Freudenschuß A, Fridman J, Gasparini P, Gschwantner T, Guerrero S, Kjartansson BT, Kucera M, Lanz A, Marin G, Mubareka S, et al (2020) Assessing forest availability for wood supply in Europe. Forest Pol Econ 111:102032, DOI:10.1016/j.forpol.2019.102032

  18. 17

    Riedel T, Hennig P, Polley H, Schwitzgebel F (2020) Aufnahmeanweisung für die vierte Bundeswaldinventur (BWI 2022) (2021 - 2022) 1. Auflage, November 2020 (Version 1.11). Bonn: Bundesministerium für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft (BMEL), 119 p

  19. 18

    Bouriaud O, Marin G, Herve J-C, Riedel T, Lanz A (2020) Estimation methods in the Romanian national forest inventory. New York: Nova Science Publishers, Environ Sci Eng Technol

  20. 19

    Kleinn C, Kändler G, Polley H, Riedel T, Schmitz F (2020) The national forest inventory in Germany: responding to forest-related information needs. Allg Forst Jagdzeitg 191(5/6):97-118, DOI:10.23765/afjz0002062

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