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A timber truck fully loaded with logs drives over a very simple wooden bridge in a forest.
© Thünen-Institut
A timber truck fully loaded with logs drives over a very simple wooden bridge in a forest.
Institute of

WF Forestry

Ongoing Projects · Forestry Worldwide

Carbon Leak

In the Carbon Leak project, we are analyzing the effects of German and European climate protection measures on global agricultural and timber markets and of the potential leakage effects on emissions. The increased requirements for the emission balance of the Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) and agriculture sectors adopted in the German Climate Protection Act and related EU legislation may lead to a significant reduction in timber harvesting as well as agricultural production in Germany and Europe. Such changes suggest significant market effects, such as decreasing production ...

Carbon Leak


The remaining Philippine forests are threatened by deforestation, forest degradation and climate change. They are also important for the wellbeing of the local population as well as being a global biodiversity hotspot. This project aims to foster nature-based solutions by including local stakeholder aspirations into land use planning and combining it with a spatial decision support system which shall allow for more sustainable forest management.


Cloud Forests Mexico

Secondary cloud forests are gaining increased importance. Given the high ecological significance of cloud forests, specifically in the tropics, their re-establishment and the use of secondary cloud forests needs an improved scientific basis. This project uses the case of Mexico to asses challenges and benefits of their management, to study their ecology and based on this provide recommendations for their sustainable management.

Cloud Forests Mexico

Deforestation-free and legal supply chains

The new EU Regulation to curb trade in products linked to deforestation, forest degradation and illegality (short: EUDR) was adopted in May 2023. The present project supports the political negotiations and implementation process of the EU regulation and assesses the implementation challenges and impacts for market participants, control authorities and producers.

Deforestation-free and legal supply chains

Forest Restoration

Restoring forest lands at the landscape level contributes to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) e.g. hunger, poverty, well-being and life on land especially in poor communities of sub-Saharan Africa.

Forest Restoration


The aim of the research project is to contribute to the improved feasibility of the EUDR in the field of geolocalization and the detection of deforestation and forest degradation using remote sensing and geocomputation.


Completed Projects · Forestry Worldwide

Contribution to close-to-nature private (small-scale) forest management and support to FLEGT/VPA process in Vietnam

Increasing rotation ages of Acacia mangium plantations in Vietnam: What are the implications for sustainable forest management and rural livelihoods?

Contribution to close-to-nature private (small-scale) forest management and support to FLEGT/VPA process in Vietnam

Deforestation-free supply chains – Opportunities & Limits of private sector's initiatives

The deforestation-free production of agricultural commodities has moved into the focus of civil society since the connection between industrial agriculture and the loss of tropical forests has reached public awareness.

Deforestation-free supply chains – Opportunities & Limits of private sector's initiatives

Forest dependency and livelihoods

People conducting subsistence oriented livelihood strategies are usually dependent on forest resources. Why do they use the forest resource more or less intensive? How can they overcome this forest dependency?

Forest dependency and livelihoods

Forestry under a global climate regime

To still meet the 2-degree target of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the reduction of emissions from industry and energy industry is not sufficient alone. Emissions from deforestation, especially in the tropics, and unsustainable land uses play a crucial role at global scale.

Forestry under a global climate regime

Forests in Climate Negotiations - Research for Negotiating 2.0

The international community has adopted a global climate agreement in Paris in December 2015. From 2020 onwards, all countries commited themselves to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. The aim is to keep global warming well below 2 ° C. Forests will play an important role in this context.

Forests in Climate Negotiations  - Research for Negotiating 2.0

Global deforestation patterns

Is there a recurring pattern in the development of the forest areas of the world? Such a pattern could be useful for predictions and could help to reduce emissions from deforestation.

Global deforestation patterns

Landscape Forestry in the Tropics

LaForeT schätzt den Einfluss monetärer Anreizsysteme und von Governance-Instrumenten auf räumliche und zeitliche Muster der Landnutzung sowie die Auswirkungen auf Waldbedeckung, Kohlenstoffspeicherung, Parameter der Baumarten-Diversität sowie die Existenzgrundlagen der lokalen Bevölkerung ab.

Landscape Forestry in the Tropics

Natural Forest Management

The conservation of tropical forests is of international concern, to which also Germany is committed. To reduce the pace of tropical forest destruction we analyse approaches for a sustainable utilization of remaining natural forests and their rehabilitation – among other countries - in Vietnam, Nepal and Suriname.

Natural Forest Management

Payments for Ecosystem Services

The Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) approach aims at valuating services of natural ecosystems and providing land users with income opportunities. Such an incentive mechanism for the preservation of ecosystems and for the continuous supply of their services could be an essential element for the protection of tropical forests.

Payments for Ecosystem Services

Poverty and deforestation

What influences deforestation and forest degradation in poor tropical countries? Our research interest is focussed on rural areas with subsistence-oriented populations, where poverty goes along with deforestation and forest degradation.

Poverty and deforestation

REDD using the example of Madagascar: a Mechanism for tropical forests

Approximately 16% of the anthropogenic global greenhouse gas emissions originate from deforestation and forest degradation. Therefore, the reduction of emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) plays an important role in the international climate negotiations.

REDD using the example of Madagascar: a Mechanism for tropical forests

Sustainable Buffer Zone Management of Forests in Ghana

More than 13 million hectares of tropical forests are destroyed every year. In Ghana we analyse approaches for a sustainable utilization of remaining natural forests. We deliberately involve the local population on one hand for the protection of the forests, on the other hand to provide sources of income for the people.

Sustainable Buffer Zone Management of Forests in Ghana

Sustainable Forest Plantations in Ghana

There is a huge international market demand for tropical timber. It mainly origins from natural forests which are endangered in their survival. Timber production in forest plantations could reduce the pressure from natural forests and simultaneously can contribute to future supply on the tropical timber market.

Sustainable Forest Plantations in Ghana

Sustainable Management of Forest Genetic Resources in Ecuador

Ambitious reforestation efforts are ongoing in Ecuador. Plantations proceed contuinuousely and mostly consist of Pinus and Eucalyptus. The silvicultural potential of native tree species diversity and socio-economic conditions for their sustainable management is analysed.

Sustainable Management of Forest Genetic Resources in Ecuador

The role of forests in emission reduction pledges (INDC) of relevant Non-Annex I-parties

The international community has committed itself to adopt a global climate agreement in Paris in 2015, which shall enter into force in 2020 and shall be legally-binding for all. In advance of the negotiations, parties shall submit the so-called Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC), providing the voluntary national emission reduction pledges post 2020. For the purposes of § 14 of the Lima Call for Climate Action parties may also provide information on whether and in what manner removals are taken into account. Removals are synonymous for the land use (LU) sector that can serve ...

The role of forests in emission reduction pledges (INDC) of relevant Non-Annex I-parties

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