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Institute of

OF Organic Farming

Organic poultry husbandry

Organic poultry farming has grown considerably in recent years, but some challenges are still unsolved. These can be seen mainly in the 100% organic feeding of the young chicks, in animal welfare and animal health, and in the use of day-old male layer chicks. These problems must be solved in a way that does not contradict the expectations of the customers and the goals of organic farming.

Organic egg production

With a market share of over 10%, the organic egg is a very successful product. Nevertheless, there are still challenges in the field of regional feeding, animal welfare and good use of the outdoor area. Our research focus is on 100% organic and regional feeding.

Organic chicken production

In contrast to organic egg production, chicken meat occupies a small market niche, which is why there is a particular need for supportive research. Important challenges are the 100% organic feeding during the first weeks of life as well as the question of using day-old male layer chicks. These can only be fattened with poor efficiency. Therefore, our research focus is not only on 100% organic feeding but also on the use of dual-purpose chickens as an alternative to the culling of day-old male layer chicks.

Ongoing projects poultry husbandry

Bros on pasture

Wir untersuchen die Gemischt-Beweidung durch Bruderhähne und -kälber auf einer Weidefläche, die durch streifenförmige Pappel-KUPs unterteilt ist. Ziel ist die Bewertung dieser Haltungsform nach ökonomischen und Tierwohlaspekten.

Bros on pasture


The main objective of the project is to sustainably improve the performance of organic husbandry systems for dual-purpose chickens under the aspects of resource-efficient raw material procurement, optimization of feeding and animal welfare.



One option to measure animal welfare objectively, is the recording of physiological parameters, so called bioindicators, that reflect the immune status of a heard as well as the stress level of the animals and that can be collected by minimal invasive sampling are of great importance for monitoring of animal welfare.


Finished projects poultry husbandry

Colorful Chicken 3

Based on our previous project "Colorful chicken", in this project four dual purpose genotypes are evaluated regarding their potential for organic agriculture: Purebred German Lachshuhn, a cross of Lachshuhn and White Rock, and two crosses that were already tested in the previous project.

Colorful Chicken 3

Treated common vetch seeds for monogastrics

The protein-rich seeds of common vetches contain valuable nutrients, but also anti-nutritive factors, to which especially chicken and pigs are sensitive to. In this project, we examine if the treatments germination and ensiling, respectively, can reduce these negative effects.

Treated common vetch seeds for monogastrics

Colorful chicken

So far, organic chicken farms rely on the same high-performance hybrids as conventional farms. As groundwork for breeding an organic chicken, this project compares six dual purpose genotypes and evaluates their potential for organic agriculture.

Colorful chicken


A tailor-made mobile housing system for poultry research At the Thünen Institute of Organic Farming, a housing system has been especially designed and built for experiments focusing on chicken feeding and chicken genotypes for use in organic agriculture.


Tentative test with germinated vetch seeds fed to laying hens

Common vetches produce protein-rich seeds, which contain not only valuable nutrients but also anti-nutritive compounds. Laying hens react especially sensitive to them and avoid consuming higher amounts. A tentative test at the Thünen-Institute of Organic Farming explores if germination before feeding makes common vetch seeds an attractive feed.

Tentative test with germinated vetch seeds fed to laying hens

Fattening trial feed structure

Pelleting chicken feed reduces feed losses and improves feed intake, but causes additional expenses. When germinated wheat is fed to broilers in addition to a pelleted or milled feed mixture, it is unclear if the structure of the feed affects feed intake and animal performance.

Fattening trial feed structure

100% organic feed for laying hens of different hybrids with rape cake and regional grain legumes

The tasks of rural areas are changing rapidly. This has also impact on communication of all actors. Three sociological case studies have been carried out in Modellregion Lübecker Bucht, Organic Milk production and nature protection.

100% organic feed for laying hens of different hybrids with rape cake and regional grain legumes

CORYNE Methionin production

100% organic feeding is a social and political goal. An important obstacle is the shortage of feedstuffs with high quality amino acid pattern.

CORYNE Methionin production

Herd health planning laying hens

The herd health in organic husbandry is not better than usual. Specific animal health plans (AHP) could help to improve farming systems. AHP have been used on 20 organic layer farms and assessed.

Herd health planning laying hens

Evaluation of organic feedstuffs

Organic farmers should feed the animals with 100 % organic produced feedstuffs in the near future. Not only ruminants, but also monogastric animals – poultry and swine – must be feed with protein from domestic feedstuffs to meet requirements.

Evaluation of organic feedstuffs

Small grain legumes in organic feeds for pigs and poultry

The use of early harvested alfalfa and red clover (small grain legumes) as valuable feedstuff for pigs and poultry is studied. Both legumes are processed either to whole crop silage or to dried leaf mass.

Small grain legumes in organic feeds for pigs and poultry

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