Dr. Matthias Schaber

Institute of Sea Fisheries
Herwigstraße 3127572 Bremerhaven
- Telephone
- +49 471 94460 452
- Fax
- +49 471 94460 199
- matthias.schaber@thuenen.de
Research interests
- Identification of distribution patterns and habitat associations of fishes with hydroacoustic methods
- Assessment of fish stock parameters with hydroacoustic methods
- Development of behavioral and habitat models for the implementation of the ecosystem approach to fisheries management
- Feeding ecology of fishes
- Fish ecology, fish species communities
- Invasive species and their impact on marine ecosystems
- Effects of climate change on distribution, habitat use and ecology of fishes
- Enhancing Prediction of Tropical Atlantic Climate and its impacts (PREFACE)
- Ecosystem Approach to the management of fisheries and the marine environment in West African waters (AWA)
- Hydroacoustic monitoring of fish stock for the determination of stock sizes and allowable catch quantities
- Adaptation and further development of methods for hydroacoustic estimation of fish stocks
Educational background and employment
- since 2010: Scientist at the Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries
- since 2005: Elaboration of PhD-Thesis: "Small to meso-scale distribution of Baltic cod (Gadus morhua L.) as resolved by hydroacoustics: Habitat preferences and limits"
- 2004 – 2010: Scientist at Leibniz-Institute of Marine Sciences (IFM-GEOMAR), Kiel
- 2001 – 2004: Fisheries Biologist at MariLim Aquatic Research and Inverstigations, Kiel
- 2001: Diplom at the Institute for Marine Sciences at Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel. Thesis title: "Spatial variability in the food composition of selected fish species in the Bornholm Basin"
- 1995 – 2001: Studies in biology at Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel. Major subject: Fishery biology. Subsidiary subjects: Zoology, oceanography.
Working Groups and Committees
- member of the Advisory Committee of the CMS Sharks MoU
- member of the IUCN Shark Specialist Group (Northern Europe Region)
ICES Working Group | Content - Tasks |
Baltic International Fish Survey Working Group (WGBIFS) | Planning, coordination, and implementation of demersal trawl surveys and hydroacoustic surveys in the Baltic Sea. |
Working Group on Elasmobranch Fishes (WGEF) | WGEF is responsible for providing assessments and advice on the state of the stocks of sharks, skates, and rays throughout the ICES area. |
Working Group on International Pelagic Surveys (WGIPS) | WGIPS coordinates, implements, and reports on acoustic surveys for pelagic fish species in ICES divisions 1-8 and subdivisions 21–24. WGIPS currently covers 4 internationally coordinated and 8 national surveys. These surveys provide indexes for the assessment of pelagic fish stocks in the North East Atlantic. |
Working Group on Fisheries Acoustics, Science and Technology (WGFAST) | WGFAST focuses on the development and application of science and technology used to observe the marine environment. WGFAST holds state-of-the-art expertise in advanced acoustic-trawl survey techniques, and employs these techniques on a wide range of platforms including research vessels, ships of opportunity, and observatories. |
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