M.Sc. Erik Sulanke

Institute of Sea Fisheries
Herwigstraße 3127572 Bremerhaven
- Telephone
- +49 471 94460 386
- erik.sulanke@thuenen.de
Research interests
- Application and further development of bio-economic models (e.g. FishRent, FLBEIA)
- Impact (e.g. of climate change or management measures) on marine ecosystems and fisheries
- Fisheries Economics
- Analysis of the economical key data of the German fishing fleet
- Bio-economic impact assesment of climate change and nature-based solutions on the North Sea demersal fisheries
- Developing a transferable, systematic tool for the segmentation of fisheries fleets
- Creating model vessels according to the agri benchmark-approach
Educational background and employment
- Since September 2019: Scientist at the Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries, Bremerhaven
- 2016-2019: Master of Science in Marine Ecosystem and Fisheries Science at the Institute for Hydrobiology and Fisheries Science (IHF), University of Hamburg. Master thesis: „Spatial properties of feeding interactions of the North Sea demersal fish assemblage“
- 2015-2019: Research assistant on various research cruises
- 2012-2015: Bachelor of Science at the University of Bremen, main focus on marine biology
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