How is the forest doing in Germany? The Forest Condition Survey (WZE; Level I monitoring) investigates this question. The nationwide survey takes annually place on an area-representative sample grid i
Dr. Dorothee Moll Institut für Ostseefischerei Alter Hafen Süd 2 18069 Rostock Telephone +49 381 66099 171 Fax +49 381 66099 199 Email Fields of activity European Maritime and
Project Clumsy Pigs: do organic sows also suffer from clinical lameness and joint injuries? Lead Institute OL Institute of Organic Farming © Thünen-Institut/Solveig March Sows in conventional husbandr
Data and Methods Fecal Egg Count done by McMasterMethod with a sensitivity of 33 eggs per gram of fresh feces. Body weight: Electronic livestock scale, ± 0.1 kg Fecal cultures (3-5 animals pooled) for
Project Improving animal health through Animal Health Plans - example laying chicken production Lead Institute OL Institute of Organic Farming The herd health in organic husbandry is not better than u
Scientific Staff Dr. agr. Andrea Ackermann Phone +49 531 596 5504 Dipl.-Ing. agr. Manfred Bathke Phone +49 531 596 5516 Dr. Sarah Baum Phone +49 5
Project Adaptation of the Western Baltic Coastal Fishery to Climate Change Lead Institute OF Institute of Baltic Sea Fisheries The cumulative impacts of climate change, together with the prevailing fi
In the AI project for wood species identification in fiber materials (AI-Wood_ID), one of the most important factors is to generate as much training data as possible for machine learning. Specifically
Microcosm facility Leader: Dr. Stefan Burkart The microcosm facility allows the automated incubation of disturbed and natural soil cores (microcosms) under controlled environments. Results will help t