Project Is the Commodity Future Market suitable for Hedging the Price Risk in Dairy Markets? Lead Institute MA Institute of Market Analysis © James Thew - Fotolia Volatile dairy prices and recurring m
All Publications of Johanna Schott 0 Zamani O, Pelikan J, Schott J (2022) Export von Geflügel- und Milchprodukten nach Westafrika: Eine Analyse von Handelsdaten. Braunschweig: Thünen-Institut für Mark
Other publications of Andrea Machmüller 0 Machmüller A, Sundrum A (2019) Nitrogen-mass flows and balances of dairy farms in the context of the German fertilizer ordinance. Ber Landwirtsch 97(2):1-34,
Publications, peer-reviewed 0 Emblemsvag M, Werner K-M, Nuñez-Riboni I, Frelat R, Christensen HT, Fock HO, Primicerio R (2022) Deep demersal fish communities respond rapidly to warming in a frontal re
Publications, peer-reviewed (non Thünen) 0 Werner K-M, Staby A, Geffen AJ (2016) Temporal and spatial patterns of reproductive indices of European hake (Merluccius merluccius) in the northern North Se
All Publications of Doreen Saggau 0 Zander K, Christoph-Schulz IB, Bürgelt D (2015) Biogas production and society: evidence from Germany. In: Dumitras DE, Jitea IM, AertsS (eds) Know your food: food e
Overview of different methods to catch wild boar used in Germany. Background and Objective Die Schwarzwildbestände in Deutschland liegen auf Rekordhöhe und wachsen – trotz hoher Jahresjagdstrecken – s
Project Effects of historical land-use on grassland communities Lead Institute BD Institute of Biodiversity © Thünen-Institut/BD Does the structure and composition of landscapes in the 19th and 20th c
Project Modelling of landscape resistances for different species groups Lead Institute BD Institute of Biodiversity © Thünen-Institut/BD Landscapes can impede dispersal of species to various degrees.
During a celebration event on the last of the five conference days, the name giver of the Institute, Professor Marin Drăcea (1885 – 1958), was honoured as the promoter of modern silviculture in Romani