Dr. Jan Cornelius Peters

Institute of Rural Economics
Bundesallee 6438116 Braunschweig
- Telephone
- +49 531 2570 1260 / +49 171 6821222
- Fax
- +49 531 596-5599
- cornelius.peters@thuenen.de
Deputy Director
Contact Person for
Ongoing projects
- Economic effects of the spatially uneven distribution of workers as well as firms
- Regional patterns of skilled worker shortages and their causes
Finished projects
Involved in
Ongoing projects
- Greenhouse Gas Neutral Germany: Effects on the Economy and Living Conditions in Rural Areas
- Figures & Facts about the Economy in Rural Areas
Work and research focus
- Skilled labor shortage
- Spatial distribution of economic activity
- Regional disparities in economic strength and labour market conditions
Additional information
- Since 03/2024
Deputy Director, Thünen Institute of Rural Economics
- Since 12/2021
Researcher, Thünen Institute of Rural Economics
- 11/2016-11/202
Researcher, Thünen Institute for Rural Studies
- 07/2011-10/2016
Researcher, Institute for Employment Research (IAB)
- 10/2011-10/2016
Doctoral Programme "Quantitative Economics", CAU Kiel, Degree: Dr. sc. pol. (2017)
- 10/2005-06/2011
Studies in Economics at CAU Kiel, Jönköping University (Sweden) and Åbo Akademi University (Finland), Degree: Diplom-Volkswirt (Diploma in Economics)
- since 2024: OECD Expert Consultation Group for Functional Rural Areas, advisory member
- since 2022: OECD Working Party on Rural Policy, delegate of Germany
- since 2022: Society for Regional Research (GfR), Scientific Secretary
- European Economic Association (EEA)
- Gesellschaft für Regionalforschung (GfR)
- Regional Science Association International (RSAI)
- Urban Economics Association (UEA)
- German Economic Association
• 2021 Journal of Economic Geography Best Referee Award
• 2021 Thünen Research Award in the category "Excellent transfer contribution" for the special issue "Rural areas"
of the Federal Agency for Civic Education (joint with Stefan Becker, Christian Hundt, Patrick Küpper, Anne Margarian,
Cornelius Peters, Annett Steinführer and Peter Weingarten)
• 2012 Young Researcher Award, German-speaking section of the Regional Science Association International
• Erich Schneider-Preis 2011 (faculty award) for Diploma thesis, Kiel University